Галерея знаний и ©клад Искусств
Pasternak, L.O.

Leonid & Boris Pasternak: Biography and Works // The Pasternak Trust: A Family Collection // www.pasternak-trust.org

The Studio: international art London [u.a.], 1.1893 – 90.1925 // www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de

Pasternak, Leonid Osipovich. Still-life with fruit. ca. 1927. Watercolour // Victoria & Albert Museum Colletions (GB) // www.collections.vam.ac.uk

Register of the Pasternak Family Papers, 1878 – 2010. Collection Number: #96063. Online Archive of California (Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, USA) // www.oac.cdlib.org

Leonid Pasternak // Sotheby's sold lots archive // www.sothebys.com

Upcoming sale at Christie's: Pasternak L.O.

Archive of sold lots at Christie's: Pasternak L.O.

Russusche und sowjetische Plakatkunst (Bochum, Germany) // www.russianposter.ru

Personalia // Russian Art and Books (San Diego, CA, USA) // www.russianartandbooks.com

Leonid Pasternak’s Works online // Musée d'Orsay (Paris) // www.musee-orsay.fr

Pasternak Leonid Ossipovic. Autoritratto di Leonid Ossipovic Pasternak. Olio su tela, 65,5 x 50 cm / Galleria degli Uffizi (Palazzo degli Uffizi, Firenze, Italy) // www.polomuseale.firenze.it

Pasternak Leonid on the Free Encyclopedia WikipediA // www.en.wikipedia.org

Pasternak, Leonid Osipovich. Biography // JewishEncyclopedia.Com // www.jewishencyclopedia.com

Art Signature Dictionary of artists signatures, biographies, auction results & fakes // Holmberg & Co Marknadsplanering AB, Sweden // www.artsignaturedictionary.com

Drawings Collection of Ashmolean Museum (University of Oxford, UK) // www.ashmolean.org

Biography of Pasternak Leonid by Mirjam Rajner // YIVO Institute for Jewish Research // www.yivoencyclopedia.org

Leonid Pasternak // www.artfira.com

Leonid Pasternak in Tate Collection (London, UK) // www.tate.org.uk


Database: Leonid Pasternak / The Athenaeum // www.the-athenaeum.org

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NTEXT : Pasternac, L. №825. Returning home / Fine Arts : Department K // Catalogue of the Russian section : World’s Columbian Exposition : 1893 : Chicago. – S.-Petersburg, 1893, p.374. – CoverНКаразин; title. – Link.  
YEARBIBL : 1893 
NTEXT : Pasternak – Пастернак, Л.О. №191. A l’ouvrage – За работой (рисунок). №192. Téte – Головка (рисунок). №193. Une visite а́ la champagne – С визитом на даче // Каталог Выставки Картин, состоящей под Августейшим покровительством Ея Императорского Высочества Великой Княгини Елисаветы Федоровны. «Union Artistique Russie – France» [Союз художников Россия – Франция]. Москва, Кузнецкий мост, д. Джамгаровых, бывший Попова. М.; Поставщик Высочайшего Двора Т-во Скор. А.А. Левенсон. Москва, Петровка, д. №. 22; 1898, с.35 
YEARBIBL : 1898 
NTEXT : Catalogue Officiel illustré de L’Exposition Décennale des Beaux-Arts de 1889 à 1900 : Exposition Universelle de 1900 / éd.: Ludovic Baschet. – Paris ; impr. Lemercier & Cie, 1900. – Сouvert., p. de titre. – Liste des artistes RussesР. 320–325. – Illustrations d'artistes RussesР. 214–224. – Link.  
YEARBIBL : 1900 
NTEXT : Korowine Const., Kalmykoff Johann, Ryloff Arkadius, Purwit Wilhelm, Kustodieff Boris, Wrubel Michael, Golowine, Maison Mamontoff, Somoff Const., Roehrich Nicolas, Nesteroff, Pasternak Leonid, Aubert Arthur / Russische Künstler (p.282930) // Katalog der XII. Kunstausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession. [Wien, druck von Adolf Holzhausen, preis 60 heller, 1901], pp. 28-30 (Photo of the Russian Room at the Vienna Secessionists’ Exhibition from «The Studio». Vol.25. London, 1902, p.135)  
YEARBIBL : 1901 
YEARBIBL : 1901 
NTEXT : Modern Russian Art: Some Leading Painters of Moscow. By M.P. (pp. 216217218219220221) (K. Somoff. Portrait (p.222); Ill. in text: Rerich [Roerich]. Maison de Dieu; F. [sic; Igo Grabar. September Snow; S. Ivanoff. A Sixteenth-Century Muscovite Military Expedition; F. Maliavine. A Peasant Girl; A. Vasnetzoff. Place d’Ivan Veliki au Kremlin; K. Korovine. Portrait; K. Tuon [Yuon]. Vers Troitzy; L. Pastemak [Pasternak]. Portrait of a Child) // The Studio. Vol.31. London, 1904 (Ill.: Fritz Thaulow. Le Dégel (p.63). Bruno Liljefors. Sea Eagles (p.103)) 
YEARBIBL : 1904 
NTEXT : Moscow. [Text about this year’s exhibition by the artists’ society known as the «Soyouz [of Russian Painters]»] (pp. 166167168169170) / Studio-Talk // The Studio. Vol.35. London, 1905, pp. 166 – 170 (Ill. in the text: S. Ivanoff. Maslannitza – Carnival in a Russian Street; R. Youon [sic, K. Yuon]. On the Bank; T. [sic, Ph.] Maliavine. Drawing. Peasant Girls; L. Pasternak. Portrait) (Ill.: V. Seroff. Drawing [Portrait of Belgian violinist Eugène Ysaye]. 1903 (p.165))  
YEARBIBL : 1905 
NTEXT : P. Ettinger. The Drawings of L. Pasternak (pp.306307309310311313) // The Studio. Vol.37. London, 1906, pp. 306-313 
YEARBIBL : 1906 
NTEXT : P.E. [P. Ettinger]. Moscow. Studio-Talk [Text about Russian exhibitions], pp. 81-83 (pp.818283) (Ill. in the text: Ilya Repine. Portrait Study (p.82). Igor Grabar. Chrysanthemums (p.83). E. Lanseray. The Empress Elizabeth at Tzarskoye Selo (p.83)); Henry Frantz. The Exhibition of Russian Art in Paris, pp. 319-323 (pp.319320321322323) (Ill. in the text: A. Benois. Review of Troops in the Reign of Pail I (p.319). C. Somoff. In the Park (p.319). N. Röhrich. The Old Town (p.320). [C.] Korovine. The Log Hut (p.320). Constantin Bogaievsky. The Dead City (p.321). I. Grabar. Birch Tree (p.321). Prince P. Troubetzkoy. Model (p.322). P. [sic, Ph.] Malyavine. Peasant Women (p.322)) // The Studio. Vol.39. London, 1907 
YEARBIBL : 1907 
NTEXT : Ettinger, P. Moderne russische Malerei // Die Kunst für alle : Malerei, Plastik, Graphik, Architektur / herausg.: Fritz Schwartz. – München : Verlagsanstalt F. Bruckmann A.-G. ; Druck von A. Bruckmann (München), 1907 (15. März, H.12), S. 273–285. – Abb.: L. Bakst. [Zeichnung] (S.273). Antike Vision (S.277). Zeichnung (S.286). Bildnis der Gräfin Keller (S.291). Zeichnung (S.296). – W. Borissoff-Mussatoff. Requiem (S.273-1). – S. Iwanoff. Der Zar (S.274). – M. Wrubel. Die Schwanenprinzessin (S.275). Mikula Selianinovitsch (russische Legende) (S.281). Zwei Heilige (S.288). – I. Rjepin. Der Schriftsteller Garschin (S.276). Kleinrussische Volksszene (S.290). – K. Somoff. Zeichnung für einen Kalender (S.277). Der Spaziergang (S.285). Die Maske (S.286). – P. Troubetzkoi, Fürst. Kind mit Hund (S.278). Der Bildhauer August Rodin (S.295). – A. Benois. Das Bad der Marquise (S.279). – V. Sjeroff. Kinderbildnis (S.280–1–281). Graf Felix Sumarokoff-Elston (S.283). Bildnis (S.285). – K. Bogajewsky. Landschaft (S.280). – K. Juon. Während des Karnevals (S.281). – A. Riabuschkin. Der Tanz (S.282). In der Kirche (S.293). – F. Maljawin. Bäuerinnen (S.284). – K. Korowin. Die Wirtin (S.287). – S. Sudbinin. Kopf des Christus, der die Händler vertreibt (S.288). – M. Nesteroff. Einkleidung einer Nonne (S.289). – Appolinarius Wassnetzoff. Aus dem alten Moskau (S.290). – O. Braz. Bildnis (S.292). – S. Korowin. Wallfahrer (S.294). – L. Pasternak. Studie (S.296). – Link.  
YEARBIBL : 1907 
NTEXT : G. Bröchner. A Swedish Sportsman Painter: Bruno Liljefors (pp. 184-191) (pp.184185186187188189190191); P.E. [P. Ettinger]. Moscow. Studio-Talk (pp. 333-336) (pp.333334335336) // The Studio. Vol.43. London, MCMVIII [1908] (Ill. in the magazine: E.A. Hornel. Lace-Making in Ceylon (p.321); F. Brangwyn. Sketch for Panel at the Skinners’ Hall, London; B. Liljefors. The Marauder (p.185). Eagle-Owl (p.186). Cock and Hen (p.186). Blackcocks, Pairing Season (p.187). On the Alert (p.188). Reynard at Home (p.189). The Booty (p.190). Swans (p.190). The Hawk’s Nest (p.191). A Pair of Crows (p.191); L. Pasternak. Drawing (p.335). Alexandre Benois. Le Roi (p.336). V. Sérov. Portrait of Madame H. (p.336). S. Maliutin. The Country Fair (p.337)) 
YEARBIBL : 1908 
NTEXT : A Chromo-Lithographic Portrait of Count Leo Tolstoi by Pasternak / Reviews and Notices // The Studio. Vol.45. London, MCMIX [1909], pp. 332-333 
YEARBIBL : 1909 
NTEXT : Russia // Catalogo della Mostra di Belle Arti : Esposizione Internazionale di Roma : [Roma ; Aprile 1911 – Gennaio 1912]. – Bergamo : Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1911, p. 277–299. – Copertina, pagina di titul. – Indice alfabetico degli artisti esponenti (p. 375–420), indice delle illustrazioni (p. 421–429), illustrazioni (p. [431]-I–CCLII). – Link.  
YEARBIBL : 1911 
NTEXT : Еврейские народные песни = Judische Volks-lieder [Jewish Folk Songs. 10 songs]. №21 (III). Moscow, P. Yurgenson [Jurgenso , c.1912 (Music for ten songs arrangement by Yuliy Engel'. Cover: Leo Pasternak) 
YEARBIBL : 1912 
NTEXT : [This year’s exhibition: «Soyouz» or Union, «Mir Isskusstva» (World of Art), «Peredvizhniki» (Itinerants)] (pp. 328-333) (pp. 328329330331333) (Ill.: L. Pasternak. Portrait of Emile Verhaeren (p.328). N. Bogdanoff-Bielski. The New Proprietors (p.329). A. Ryloff. Swans (p.330). D. Stelletsky. The Gate of Kroutitzy at Moscow (p.331)) // The Studio. Vol.61. London, MCMXIV [1914] 
YEARBIBL : 1914 
NTEXT : P.E. [P. Ettinger. The Exhibition group of artists «Mir Isskousstva» (World of Art) in the Lemercier Gallery (Moscow)] (pp. 58-60) (pp.585960) (Ill.: K. Somoff. Portrait of Mme. Karysheff (p.57). Portrait Study (p.58). L. Pasternak. The American Tragedian Oldridge and Taras Shevchenko, the Poet of the Ukraine (p.59)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. The Exhibition of Moscow Society of Artists] (pp. 141-142) (Ill.: F. Zakharoff. Portrait of Madame F. (p.140). J. Chapchal [Я.Ф. Шапшал]. The Manufactory (p.141). S. Noakowski. The Cathedral of Rheims (p.142)) // The Studio. Vol.65. London, MCMXV [1915] (Ill. in the Magazine: William Orpen. Miss Lily Carstairs; Vladimir Polunin. Painted Wooden Toys; Charles W. Simpson. Against the Wind; Oswald Birley. An Interior at James Pryde’s; E. Carter Preston. The Grand Duke Nicholas; Lorna Adamson. Anna Pavlova in the Swan Dance
YEARBIBL : 1915 
NTEXT : [Real artistic merits of Russian posters] (pp. 60-65) (pp. 6061636465) (Ill.: S. Vinogradoff. A Russian War Fund Poster (p.61). L. Pasternak. Drawing for a War Fund (p.63)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. About Exhibition of Anna Golubkina] (pp. 140145-146) (Ill.: Portrait Bust of M. Remezoff (p.140). Two Heads (p.145)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. Recent annual exhibition of the Union of Russian Artists of «Soyouz»] (pp. 212-214) (pp. 212213214) (Ill.: S. Malyutin. Portrait of the Painter Konstantin Yuon (p.212). K. Yuon. Reception of the Czar Michael Fedorovitch on the Way to Moscow. The Eve of the Coronation of Czar Michael Fedorovitch Romanoff at the Kremlin, Moscow (p.213). F. Zakharoff. Self-Portrait (p.214). S. Vinogradoff. In a Country House: Spring-Time (p.214)) // The Studio. Vol.64. London, MCMXV [1915] (Ill. in the Magazine: Leonard Campbell Taylor. Chess; Alfred Hartley. In the ForestSilvery Nicht; Sibyl Meugens. «The Green Jar» and «Shadows»; Walter Sickert. Venice
YEARBIBL : 1915 
NTEXT : P.E. [P. Ettinger]. [The Exhibitions of Union of Russian Artists or «Soyouz», «Mir Iskustva» (World of Art)] / Moscow. Studio-Talk (pp. 73-75) (pp.737475) (Ill.: S. Chekhonin. Enamel Miniatures (p.73). L. Pasternak. Portrait of V. Maklakoff (p.74). N. Krymoff. Summer Morning (p.75). K. Yuon. On the River Oka (p.75). N. Ulianoff. Portrait of Baroness Knop (p.76)) // The Studio. Vol.71. London, MCMXVII [1917] (Ill. in the Magazine: Maurice Greiffenhagen. The Restoration of Alsace-Lorraine to France; J. McNeill Whistler. Rose and Pink – The Mother’s Siesta; Joseph E. Southall. A Bucket of Salt WaterThe Beach
YEARBIBL : 1917 
NTEXT : Ch.N. Bialik, M. Osborn. L. Pasternak: his life and work. Warsaw (Berlin Branch), The Stybel Publishing House, 500 copies, 1924 (Hebrew. Title: Hebrew, Eng.; captions: Hebrew, Eng., Rus.) (Cover, title; Ill.: Portrait of Mrs. Stybel (Oil). – From the coll. of A. Stybel, Copenhagen; Autoportrait; Moscow seen from the mountain Worobioff. Pastel from the coll. of Mr. Lilienthal, Berlin) 
YEARBIBL : 1924 
NTEXT : Pasternak, Leonid. №587. View of Moscow I. №588. View of Moscow II // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. New York, Grand Central Palace, 1924 
YEARBIBL : 1924 
NTEXT : Pasternak, Leonid. №927. Congratulations. №928. Count Leon Tolstoy and his Family. №928a. Count Leon Tolstoy Reading. №929. Portrait of Count Leon Tolstoy. №930. An Artists` Party at C. Korovin’s. №931. On the Terrace. №932. Composer S. Rachmaninoff. №933. Portrait of N. Sokoloff. №№ 934, 949. Poet Bialik. №935. Poet Schneur. №936. Writer D. Frischman. №937. Portrait of I. Mase. №938. Writer S. An-sky. №939. Writer M. Herschenson. №940. Portrait of the Composer J. Engel. №941. «Musicians». №№ 942, 957. A Head of an Old Man. №943. An Old Man. №944. Count Leon Tolstoy at Work. №945. S. Rachmaninoff Playing. №946. Poet Bialik and Writer D. Frischman. №947. Writer D. Frischman at Work. №948. Nursing. №950. Poet Chernikhovsky. №951. Writer and Philosopher L. Shestoff. №952. Writer A. Remisoff. №953. Poet Boris Pasternak. №954. S. Rachmaninoff and the Cellist Brandukoff. №955. Pianist Joseph Hoffman. №956. Composer M. Gnessin. №958. Two Women’s Heads. №959. The Philosopher G. Kogen and his Disciples. №960. Fedor Shaliapin. (Study for a Picture). №961. Portrait of the Artist. №962. Sisters. №963. Grandmother. №964. Dyeing Easter Eggs. №965. Gordon Craig at Work. №966. Arthur Nikisch. №967. Count Leon Tolstoy. №968. Beethoven (lithograph). №969. Emil Verharen (lithograph). №970. Poet Chernikhovsky / Supplement to the Catalogue of the Russian Art Exhibition // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. New York, Grand Central Palace, 1924 
YEARBIBL : 1924 
NTEXT : Memorial Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945. [April 1958. A catalogue listing 115 paintings or drawings]. Oxford, University Press, Ashmolean Museum, Department of Fine Art, 1958 (Introd. by Cecil Maurice Bowra) 
YEARBIBL : 1958 
NTEXT : Josephine Pasternak. Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945 (Exhibit: 20 March – 30 May 1969, Ely House). [Catalogue]. London, Oxford University Press, 1969 
YEARBIBL : 1969 
NTEXT : L.O. Pasternak // Russische Graphik des 20. Jahrhunderts. 100 Bildtafeln. Insel-Verlag. Leipzig, 1970 
YEARBIBL : 1970 
NTEXT : Guy de Mallac. A Russian Impressionist: Leonid Osipovich Pasternak, 1862 – 1945 // California Slavic Studies. Vol.10. Los Angeles, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1977, p.87 – 120 
YEARBIBL : 1977 
NTEXT : Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945. [Exhibition, 28 January – 25 February 1978. Catalogue]. [United Kingdom], Crawford Centre for the Arts University of St Andrews (Scotland), 1978 (Preface by John Steer, introduct. by Larissa Salmina-Haskell, biopic by Jennifer Bradshaw) (Cover
YEARBIBL : 1978 
NTEXT : Luba Gurdus. The Forgotten Friendship: L.O. Pasternak and A.J. Stybel // The First Jewish Art Annual. N.Y., 1980, p.38 – 45 
YEARBIBL : 1980 
NTEXT : A Russian Impressionist: Paintings and Drawings by Leonid Pasternak, 1890 – 1945. Washington, D.C., SITES (Smithsonian Institution Travelling Exhibition Sevice), 1987 (ed. by David Andrews) (Cover
YEARBIBL : 1987 
NTEXT : Bown, M.C. A Dictionary of Twentieth Century Russian And Soviet Painters : 1900–1980s. – London : Izomar Limited, [1998]. – Bookjacket: Back: Ruslan A. Kobozev. Inthe Factory Canteen (detail) (1950s); Front: Georgi I. Rublev. A Factory PartyMeeting (detail) (1932); cover; frontispiece: Aleksandr M. Gerasimov. Portrait of the Artist’sWife (1929); title.  
YEARBIBL : 1998 
NTEXT : R. Salys, J. Whiteley. Leonid Pasternak: The Russian Years, 1875 – 1921. A Critical Study and Catalogue. [2 vol.]. [USA], Oxford University Press, [1999] (Cover
YEARBIBL : 1999 
NTEXT : И.И. Ващенко, Ю.А. Солодовников (пред., поясн.), Я.С. Алалыкина, С.М. Гонтарь, О.В. Загорная, С.Н. Пыхтина, Т.А. Сальникова, Ю.В. Костюков, Е.Г. Касавченко. Краснодарский краевой художественный музей им. Ф.А. Коваленко: Русское искусство первой трети ХХ века. Каталог. Самара, СамЛюксПринт, ККХМ им. Ф.А. Коваленко, 1 000 экз., 2011 (рус., анг.) (Krasnodar Art Museum: Art of Russia 1st third XXth Centure. Catalogue. Samara, 2011) (rus., eng.) 

Pasternac, L. №825. Returning home / Fine Arts : Department K // Catalogue of the Russian section : World’s Columbian Exposition : 1893 : Chicago. – S.-Petersburg, 1893, p.374. – CoverНКаразин; title. – Link. [[1893]]

Pasternak – Пастернак, Л.О. №191. A l’ouvrage – За работой (рисунок). №192. Téte – Головка (рисунок). №193. Une visite а́ la champagne – С визитом на даче // Каталог Выставки Картин, состоящей под Августейшим покровительством Ея Императорского Высочества Великой Княгини Елисаветы Федоровны. «Union Artistique Russie – France» [Союз художников Россия – Франция]. Москва, Кузнецкий мост, д. Джамгаровых, бывший Попова. М.; Поставщик Высочайшего Двора Т-во Скор. А.А. Левенсон. Москва, Петровка, д. №. 22; 1898, с.35

Catalogue Officiel illustré de L’Exposition Décennale des Beaux-Arts de 1889 à 1900 : Exposition Universelle de 1900 / éd.: Ludovic Baschet. – Paris ; impr. Lemercier & Cie, 1900. – Сouvert., p. de titre. – Liste des artistes RussesР. 320–325. – Illustrations d'artistes RussesР. 214–224. – Link. [[1900]]

Korowine Const., Kalmykoff Johann, Ryloff Arkadius, Purwit Wilhelm, Kustodieff Boris, Wrubel Michael, Golowine, Maison Mamontoff, Somoff Const., Roehrich Nicolas, Nesteroff, Pasternak Leonid, Aubert Arthur / Russische Künstler (p.282930) // Katalog der XII. Kunstausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession. [Wien, druck von Adolf Holzhausen, preis 60 heller, 1901], pp. 28-30 (Photo of the Russian Room at the Vienna Secessionists’ Exhibition from «The Studio». Vol.25. London, 1902, p.135) [[1901]]

Альбом художественных иллюстраций Л.О. Пастернака к роману Л.Н. Толстого «Воскресение» = Album. 33 illustrations par L. Pasternak. (Roman «Résurrection» par L. Tolstoy). Chtistchurch Hants (England), Свободное слово (Parole Libre) (№65), A. Tchertkoff, 1 руб. 50 коп., 1901 (Обл., спинка, форзац; Илл.: 1. Весна. 2. Тюремные надзиратель и надзирательница. 11. Священники едут служить обедню. 12. У заутрени. 13. Нехлюдов у окна девичьей. 14. Во время перерыва суда. 15. После приговора. 16. Закуска в доме Корчагиных. 17. Княгиня Софья Васильевна и лакей Филипп. 18. Возвращение Масловой после приговора. 19. Катюша бежит за поездом железной дороги. 20. Посетители у ворот тюрьмы. 21. Свидание с арестантами за решёткой. Мужская посетительская. 28. Вид Петропавловской крепости и Нева)

Modern Russian Art: Some Leading Painters of Moscow. By M.P. (pp. 216217218219220221) (K. Somoff. Portrait (p.222); Ill. in text: Rerich [Roerich]. Maison de Dieu; F. [sic; Igo Grabar. September Snow; S. Ivanoff. A Sixteenth-Century Muscovite Military Expedition; F. Maliavine. A Peasant Girl; A. Vasnetzoff. Place d’Ivan Veliki au Kremlin; K. Korovine. Portrait; K. Tuon [Yuon]. Vers Troitzy; L. Pastemak [Pasternak]. Portrait of a Child) // The Studio. Vol.31. London, 1904 (Ill.: Fritz Thaulow. Le Dégel (p.63). Bruno Liljefors. Sea Eagles (p.103))

Moscow. [Text about this year’s exhibition by the artists’ society known as the «Soyouz [of Russian Painters]»] (pp. 166167168169170) / Studio-Talk // The Studio. Vol.35. London, 1905, pp. 166 – 170 (Ill. in the text: S. Ivanoff. Maslannitza – Carnival in a Russian Street; R. Youon [sic, K. Yuon]. On the Bank; T. [sic, Ph.] Maliavine. Drawing. Peasant Girls; L. Pasternak. Portrait) (Ill.: V. Seroff. Drawing [Portrait of Belgian violinist Eugène Ysaye]. 1903 (p.165)) [[1905]]

P. Ettinger. The Drawings of L. Pasternak (pp.306307309310311313) // The Studio. Vol.37. London, 1906, pp. 306-313

P.E. [P. Ettinger]. Moscow. Studio-Talk [Text about Russian exhibitions], pp. 81-83 (pp.818283) (Ill. in the text: Ilya Repine. Portrait Study (p.82). Igor Grabar. Chrysanthemums (p.83). E. Lanseray. The Empress Elizabeth at Tzarskoye Selo (p.83)); Henry Frantz. The Exhibition of Russian Art in Paris, pp. 319-323 (pp.319320321322323) (Ill. in the text: A. Benois. Review of Troops in the Reign of Pail I (p.319). C. Somoff. In the Park (p.319). N. Röhrich. The Old Town (p.320). [C.] Korovine. The Log Hut (p.320). Constantin Bogaievsky. The Dead City (p.321). I. Grabar. Birch Tree (p.321). Prince P. Troubetzkoy. Model (p.322). P. [sic, Ph.] Malyavine. Peasant Women (p.322)) // The Studio. Vol.39. London, 1907

Ettinger, P. Moderne russische Malerei // Die Kunst für alle : Malerei, Plastik, Graphik, Architektur / herausg.: Fritz Schwartz. – München : Verlagsanstalt F. Bruckmann A.-G. ; Druck von A. Bruckmann (München), 1907 (15. März, H.12), S. 273–285. – Abb.: L. Bakst. [Zeichnung] (S.273). Antike Vision (S.277). Zeichnung (S.286). Bildnis der Gräfin Keller (S.291). Zeichnung (S.296). – W. Borissoff-Mussatoff. Requiem (S.273-1). – S. Iwanoff. Der Zar (S.274). – M. Wrubel. Die Schwanenprinzessin (S.275). Mikula Selianinovitsch (russische Legende) (S.281). Zwei Heilige (S.288). – I. Rjepin. Der Schriftsteller Garschin (S.276). Kleinrussische Volksszene (S.290). – K. Somoff. Zeichnung für einen Kalender (S.277). Der Spaziergang (S.285). Die Maske (S.286). – P. Troubetzkoi, Fürst. Kind mit Hund (S.278). Der Bildhauer August Rodin (S.295). – A. Benois. Das Bad der Marquise (S.279). – V. Sjeroff. Kinderbildnis (S.280–1–281). Graf Felix Sumarokoff-Elston (S.283). Bildnis (S.285). – K. Bogajewsky. Landschaft (S.280). – K. Juon. Während des Karnevals (S.281). – A. Riabuschkin. Der Tanz (S.282). In der Kirche (S.293). – F. Maljawin. Bäuerinnen (S.284). – K. Korowin. Die Wirtin (S.287). – S. Sudbinin. Kopf des Christus, der die Händler vertreibt (S.288). – M. Nesteroff. Einkleidung einer Nonne (S.289). – Appolinarius Wassnetzoff. Aus dem alten Moskau (S.290). – O. Braz. Bildnis (S.292). – S. Korowin. Wallfahrer (S.294). – L. Pasternak. Studie (S.296). – Link. [[1907]]

G. Bröchner. A Swedish Sportsman Painter: Bruno Liljefors (pp. 184-191) (pp.184185186187188189190191); P.E. [P. Ettinger]. Moscow. Studio-Talk (pp. 333-336) (pp.333334335336) // The Studio. Vol.43. London, MCMVIII [1908] (Ill. in the magazine: E.A. Hornel. Lace-Making in Ceylon (p.321); F. Brangwyn. Sketch for Panel at the Skinners’ Hall, London; B. Liljefors. The Marauder (p.185). Eagle-Owl (p.186). Cock and Hen (p.186). Blackcocks, Pairing Season (p.187). On the Alert (p.188). Reynard at Home (p.189). The Booty (p.190). Swans (p.190). The Hawk’s Nest (p.191). A Pair of Crows (p.191); L. Pasternak. Drawing (p.335). Alexandre Benois. Le Roi (p.336). V. Sérov. Portrait of Madame H. (p.336). S. Maliutin. The Country Fair (p.337))

A Chromo-Lithographic Portrait of Count Leo Tolstoi by Pasternak / Reviews and Notices // The Studio. Vol.45. London, MCMIX [1909], pp. 332-333

Russia // Catalogo della Mostra di Belle Arti : Esposizione Internazionale di Roma : [Roma ; Aprile 1911 – Gennaio 1912]. – Bergamo : Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1911, p. 277–299. – Copertina, pagina di titul. – Indice alfabetico degli artisti esponenti (p. 375–420), indice delle illustrazioni (p. 421–429), illustrazioni (p. [431]-I–CCLII). – Link. [[1911]]

Еврейские народные песни = Judische Volks-lieder [Jewish Folk Songs. 10 songs]. №21 (III). Moscow, P. Yurgenson [Jurgenso , c.1912 (Music for ten songs arrangement by Yuliy Engel'. Cover: Leo Pasternak)

[This year’s exhibition: «Soyouz» or Union, «Mir Isskusstva» (World of Art), «Peredvizhniki» (Itinerants)] (pp. 328-333) (pp. 328329330331333) (Ill.: L. Pasternak. Portrait of Emile Verhaeren (p.328). N. Bogdanoff-Bielski. The New Proprietors (p.329). A. Ryloff. Swans (p.330). D. Stelletsky. The Gate of Kroutitzy at Moscow (p.331)) // The Studio. Vol.61. London, MCMXIV [1914]

P.E. [P. Ettinger. The Exhibition group of artists «Mir Isskousstva» (World of Art) in the Lemercier Gallery (Moscow)] (pp. 58-60) (pp.585960) (Ill.: K. Somoff. Portrait of Mme. Karysheff (p.57). Portrait Study (p.58). L. Pasternak. The American Tragedian Oldridge and Taras Shevchenko, the Poet of the Ukraine (p.59)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. The Exhibition of Moscow Society of Artists] (pp. 141-142) (Ill.: F. Zakharoff. Portrait of Madame F. (p.140). J. Chapchal [Я.Ф. Шапшал]. The Manufactory (p.141). S. Noakowski. The Cathedral of Rheims (p.142)) // The Studio. Vol.65. London, MCMXV [1915] (Ill. in the Magazine: William Orpen. Miss Lily Carstairs; Vladimir Polunin. Painted Wooden Toys; Charles W. Simpson. Against the Wind; Oswald Birley. An Interior at James Pryde’s; E. Carter Preston. The Grand Duke Nicholas; Lorna Adamson. Anna Pavlova in the Swan Dance)

[Real artistic merits of Russian posters] (pp. 60-65) (pp. 6061636465) (Ill.: S. Vinogradoff. A Russian War Fund Poster (p.61). L. Pasternak. Drawing for a War Fund (p.63)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. About Exhibition of Anna Golubkina] (pp. 140145-146) (Ill.: Portrait Bust of M. Remezoff (p.140). Two Heads (p.145)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. Recent annual exhibition of the Union of Russian Artists of «Soyouz»] (pp. 212-214) (pp. 212213214) (Ill.: S. Malyutin. Portrait of the Painter Konstantin Yuon (p.212). K. Yuon. Reception of the Czar Michael Fedorovitch on the Way to Moscow. The Eve of the Coronation of Czar Michael Fedorovitch Romanoff at the Kremlin, Moscow (p.213). F. Zakharoff. Self-Portrait (p.214). S. Vinogradoff. In a Country House: Spring-Time (p.214)) // The Studio. Vol.64. London, MCMXV [1915] (Ill. in the Magazine: Leonard Campbell Taylor. Chess; Alfred Hartley. In the ForestSilvery Nicht; Sibyl Meugens. «The Green Jar» and «Shadows»; Walter Sickert. Venice)

P.E. [P. Ettinger]. [The Exhibitions of Union of Russian Artists or «Soyouz», «Mir Iskustva» (World of Art)] / Moscow. Studio-Talk (pp. 73-75) (pp.737475) (Ill.: S. Chekhonin. Enamel Miniatures (p.73). L. Pasternak. Portrait of V. Maklakoff (p.74). N. Krymoff. Summer Morning (p.75). K. Yuon. On the River Oka (p.75). N. Ulianoff. Portrait of Baroness Knop (p.76)) // The Studio. Vol.71. London, MCMXVII [1917] (Ill. in the Magazine: Maurice Greiffenhagen. The Restoration of Alsace-Lorraine to France; J. McNeill Whistler. Rose and Pink – The Mother’s Siesta; Joseph E. Southall. A Bucket of Salt WaterThe Beach)

Ch.N. Bialik, M. Osborn. L. Pasternak: his life and work. Warsaw (Berlin Branch), The Stybel Publishing House, 500 copies, 1924 (Hebrew. Title: Hebrew, Eng.; captions: Hebrew, Eng., Rus.) (Cover, title; Ill.: Portrait of Mrs. Stybel (Oil). – From the coll. of A. Stybel, Copenhagen; Autoportrait; Moscow seen from the mountain Worobioff. Pastel from the coll. of Mr. Lilienthal, Berlin)

Pasternak, Leonid. №587. View of Moscow I. №588. View of Moscow II // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. New York, Grand Central Palace, 1924

Pasternak, Leonid. №927. Congratulations. №928. Count Leon Tolstoy and his Family. №928a. Count Leon Tolstoy Reading. №929. Portrait of Count Leon Tolstoy. №930. An Artists` Party at C. Korovin’s. №931. On the Terrace. №932. Composer S. Rachmaninoff. №933. Portrait of N. Sokoloff. №№ 934, 949. Poet Bialik. №935. Poet Schneur. №936. Writer D. Frischman. №937. Portrait of I. Mase. №938. Writer S. An-sky. №939. Writer M. Herschenson. №940. Portrait of the Composer J. Engel. №941. «Musicians». №№ 942, 957. A Head of an Old Man. №943. An Old Man. №944. Count Leon Tolstoy at Work. №945. S. Rachmaninoff Playing. №946. Poet Bialik and Writer D. Frischman. №947. Writer D. Frischman at Work. №948. Nursing. №950. Poet Chernikhovsky. №951. Writer and Philosopher L. Shestoff. №952. Writer A. Remisoff. №953. Poet Boris Pasternak. №954. S. Rachmaninoff and the Cellist Brandukoff. №955. Pianist Joseph Hoffman. №956. Composer M. Gnessin. №958. Two Women’s Heads. №959. The Philosopher G. Kogen and his Disciples. №960. Fedor Shaliapin. (Study for a Picture). №961. Portrait of the Artist. №962. Sisters. №963. Grandmother. №964. Dyeing Easter Eggs. №965. Gordon Craig at Work. №966. Arthur Nikisch. №967. Count Leon Tolstoy. №968. Beethoven (lithograph). №969. Emil Verharen (lithograph). №970. Poet Chernikhovsky / Supplement to the Catalogue of the Russian Art Exhibition // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. New York, Grand Central Palace, 1924

Memorial Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945. [April 1958. A catalogue listing 115 paintings or drawings]. Oxford, University Press, Ashmolean Museum, Department of Fine Art, 1958 (Introd. by Cecil Maurice Bowra)

Josephine Pasternak. Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945 (Exhibit: 20 March – 30 May 1969, Ely House). [Catalogue]. London, Oxford University Press, 1969

L.O. Pasternak // Russische Graphik des 20. Jahrhunderts. 100 Bildtafeln. Insel-Verlag. Leipzig, 1970

Guy de Mallac. A Russian Impressionist: Leonid Osipovich Pasternak, 1862 – 1945 // California Slavic Studies. Vol.10. Los Angeles, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1977, p.87 – 120

Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945. [Exhibition, 28 January – 25 February 1978. Catalogue]. [United Kingdom], Crawford Centre for the Arts University of St Andrews (Scotland), 1978 (Preface by John Steer, introduct. by Larissa Salmina-Haskell, biopic by Jennifer Bradshaw) (Cover)

Luba Gurdus. The Forgotten Friendship: L.O. Pasternak and A.J. Stybel // The First Jewish Art Annual. N.Y., 1980, p.38 – 45

A Russian Impressionist: Paintings and Drawings by Leonid Pasternak, 1890 – 1945. Washington, D.C., SITES (Smithsonian Institution Travelling Exhibition Sevice), 1987 (ed. by David Andrews) (Cover)

Bown, M.C. A Dictionary of Twentieth Century Russian And Soviet Painters : 1900–1980s. – London : Izomar Limited, [1998]. – Bookjacket: Back: Ruslan A. Kobozev. Inthe Factory Canteen (detail) (1950s); Front: Georgi I. Rublev. A Factory PartyMeeting (detail) (1932); cover; frontispiece: Aleksandr M. Gerasimov. Portrait of the Artist’sWife (1929); title. [[1998]]

R. Salys, J. Whiteley. Leonid Pasternak: The Russian Years, 1875 – 1921. A Critical Study and Catalogue. [2 vol.]. [USA], Oxford University Press, [1999] (Cover)

И.И. Ващенко, Ю.А. Солодовников (пред., поясн.), Я.С. Алалыкина, С.М. Гонтарь, О.В. Загорная, С.Н. Пыхтина, Т.А. Сальникова, Ю.В. Костюков, Е.Г. Касавченко. Краснодарский краевой художественный музей им. Ф.А. Коваленко: Русское искусство первой трети ХХ века. Каталог. Самара, СамЛюксПринт, ККХМ им. Ф.А. Коваленко, 1 000 экз., 2011 (рус., анг.) (Krasnodar Art Museum: Art of Russia 1st third XXth Centure. Catalogue. Samara, 2011) (rus., eng.)

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Pasternak, L.O.

Дополнительная информация

Pasternak, L.O.

Leonid & Boris Pasternak: Biography and Works // The Pasternak Trust: A Family Collection // www.pasternak-trust.org

The Studio: international art London [u.a.], 1.1893 – 90.1925 // www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de

Pasternak, Leonid Osipovich. Still-life with fruit. ca. 1927. Watercolour // Victoria & Albert Museum Colletions (GB) // www.collections.vam.ac.uk

Register of the Pasternak Family Papers, 1878 – 2010. Collection Number: #96063. Online Archive of California (Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, USA) // www.oac.cdlib.org

Leonid Pasternak // Sotheby's sold lots archive // www.sothebys.com

Upcoming sale at Christie's: Pasternak L.O.

Archive of sold lots at Christie's: Pasternak L.O.

Russusche und sowjetische Plakatkunst (Bochum, Germany) // www.russianposter.ru

Personalia // Russian Art and Books (San Diego, CA, USA) // www.russianartandbooks.com

Leonid Pasternak’s Works online // Musée d'Orsay (Paris) // www.musee-orsay.fr

Pasternak Leonid Ossipovic. Autoritratto di Leonid Ossipovic Pasternak. Olio su tela, 65,5 x 50 cm / Galleria degli Uffizi (Palazzo degli Uffizi, Firenze, Italy) // www.polomuseale.firenze.it

Pasternak Leonid on the Free Encyclopedia WikipediA // www.en.wikipedia.org

Pasternak, Leonid Osipovich. Biography // JewishEncyclopedia.Com // www.jewishencyclopedia.com

Art Signature Dictionary of artists signatures, biographies, auction results & fakes // Holmberg & Co Marknadsplanering AB, Sweden // www.artsignaturedictionary.com

Drawings Collection of Ashmolean Museum (University of Oxford, UK) // www.ashmolean.org

Biography of Pasternak Leonid by Mirjam Rajner // YIVO Institute for Jewish Research // www.yivoencyclopedia.org

Leonid Pasternak // www.artfira.com

Leonid Pasternak in Tate Collection (London, UK) // www.tate.org.uk

Database: Leonid Pasternak / The Athenaeum // www.the-athenaeum.org

Auctions and galleries
Database: Leonid Pasternak / The Athenaeum // www.the-athenaeum.org 
Pasternac, L. №825. Returning home / Fine Arts : Department K // Catalogue of the Russian section : World’s Columbian Exposition : 1893 : Chicago. – S.-Petersburg, 1893, p.374. – CoverНКаразин; title. – Link.  
Pasternak – Пастернак, Л.О. №191. A l’ouvrage – За работой (рисунок). №192. Téte – Головка (рисунок). №193. Une visite а́ la champagne – С визитом на даче // Каталог Выставки Картин, состоящей под Августейшим покровительством Ея Императорского Высочества Великой Княгини Елисаветы Федоровны. «Union Artistique Russie – France» [Союз художников Россия – Франция]. Москва, Кузнецкий мост, д. Джамгаровых, бывший Попова. М.; Поставщик Высочайшего Двора Т-во Скор. А.А. Левенсон. Москва, Петровка, д. №. 22; 1898, с.35 
Catalogue Officiel illustré de L’Exposition Décennale des Beaux-Arts de 1889 à 1900 : Exposition Universelle de 1900 / éd.: Ludovic Baschet. – Paris ; impr. Lemercier & Cie, 1900. – Сouvert., p. de titre. – Liste des artistes RussesР. 320–325. – Illustrations d'artistes RussesР. 214–224. – Link.  
Korowine Const., Kalmykoff Johann, Ryloff Arkadius, Purwit Wilhelm, Kustodieff Boris, Wrubel Michael, Golowine, Maison Mamontoff, Somoff Const., Roehrich Nicolas, Nesteroff, Pasternak Leonid, Aubert Arthur / Russische Künstler (p.282930) // Katalog der XII. Kunstausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession. [Wien, druck von Adolf Holzhausen, preis 60 heller, 1901], pp. 28-30 (Photo of the Russian Room at the Vienna Secessionists’ Exhibition from «The Studio». Vol.25. London, 1902, p.135)  
Modern Russian Art: Some Leading Painters of Moscow. By M.P. (pp. 216217218219220221) (K. Somoff. Portrait (p.222); Ill. in text: Rerich [Roerich]. Maison de Dieu; F. [sic; Igo Grabar. September Snow; S. Ivanoff. A Sixteenth-Century Muscovite Military Expedition; F. Maliavine. A Peasant Girl; A. Vasnetzoff. Place d’Ivan Veliki au Kremlin; K. Korovine. Portrait; K. Tuon [Yuon]. Vers Troitzy; L. Pastemak [Pasternak]. Portrait of a Child) // The Studio. Vol.31. London, 1904 (Ill.: Fritz Thaulow. Le Dégel (p.63). Bruno Liljefors. Sea Eagles (p.103)) 
Moscow. [Text about this year’s exhibition by the artists’ society known as the «Soyouz [of Russian Painters]»] (pp. 166167168169170) / Studio-Talk // The Studio. Vol.35. London, 1905, pp. 166 – 170 (Ill. in the text: S. Ivanoff. Maslannitza – Carnival in a Russian Street; R. Youon [sic, K. Yuon]. On the Bank; T. [sic, Ph.] Maliavine. Drawing. Peasant Girls; L. Pasternak. Portrait) (Ill.: V. Seroff. Drawing [Portrait of Belgian violinist Eugène Ysaye]. 1903 (p.165))  
P. Ettinger. The Drawings of L. Pasternak (pp.306307309310311313) // The Studio. Vol.37. London, 1906, pp. 306-313 
P.E. [P. Ettinger]. Moscow. Studio-Talk [Text about Russian exhibitions], pp. 81-83 (pp.818283) (Ill. in the text: Ilya Repine. Portrait Study (p.82). Igor Grabar. Chrysanthemums (p.83). E. Lanseray. The Empress Elizabeth at Tzarskoye Selo (p.83)); Henry Frantz. The Exhibition of Russian Art in Paris, pp. 319-323 (pp.319320321322323) (Ill. in the text: A. Benois. Review of Troops in the Reign of Pail I (p.319). C. Somoff. In the Park (p.319). N. Röhrich. The Old Town (p.320). [C.] Korovine. The Log Hut (p.320). Constantin Bogaievsky. The Dead City (p.321). I. Grabar. Birch Tree (p.321). Prince P. Troubetzkoy. Model (p.322). P. [sic, Ph.] Malyavine. Peasant Women (p.322)) // The Studio. Vol.39. London, 1907 
Ettinger, P. Moderne russische Malerei // Die Kunst für alle : Malerei, Plastik, Graphik, Architektur / herausg.: Fritz Schwartz. – München : Verlagsanstalt F. Bruckmann A.-G. ; Druck von A. Bruckmann (München), 1907 (15. März, H.12), S. 273–285. – Abb.: L. Bakst. [Zeichnung] (S.273). Antike Vision (S.277). Zeichnung (S.286). Bildnis der Gräfin Keller (S.291). Zeichnung (S.296). – W. Borissoff-Mussatoff. Requiem (S.273-1). – S. Iwanoff. Der Zar (S.274). – M. Wrubel. Die Schwanenprinzessin (S.275). Mikula Selianinovitsch (russische Legende) (S.281). Zwei Heilige (S.288). – I. Rjepin. Der Schriftsteller Garschin (S.276). Kleinrussische Volksszene (S.290). – K. Somoff. Zeichnung für einen Kalender (S.277). Der Spaziergang (S.285). Die Maske (S.286). – P. Troubetzkoi, Fürst. Kind mit Hund (S.278). Der Bildhauer August Rodin (S.295). – A. Benois. Das Bad der Marquise (S.279). – V. Sjeroff. Kinderbildnis (S.280–1–281). Graf Felix Sumarokoff-Elston (S.283). Bildnis (S.285). – K. Bogajewsky. Landschaft (S.280). – K. Juon. Während des Karnevals (S.281). – A. Riabuschkin. Der Tanz (S.282). In der Kirche (S.293). – F. Maljawin. Bäuerinnen (S.284). – K. Korowin. Die Wirtin (S.287). – S. Sudbinin. Kopf des Christus, der die Händler vertreibt (S.288). – M. Nesteroff. Einkleidung einer Nonne (S.289). – Appolinarius Wassnetzoff. Aus dem alten Moskau (S.290). – O. Braz. Bildnis (S.292). – S. Korowin. Wallfahrer (S.294). – L. Pasternak. Studie (S.296). – Link.  
G. Bröchner. A Swedish Sportsman Painter: Bruno Liljefors (pp. 184-191) (pp.184185186187188189190191); P.E. [P. Ettinger]. Moscow. Studio-Talk (pp. 333-336) (pp.333334335336) // The Studio. Vol.43. London, MCMVIII [1908] (Ill. in the magazine: E.A. Hornel. Lace-Making in Ceylon (p.321); F. Brangwyn. Sketch for Panel at the Skinners’ Hall, London; B. Liljefors. The Marauder (p.185). Eagle-Owl (p.186). Cock and Hen (p.186). Blackcocks, Pairing Season (p.187). On the Alert (p.188). Reynard at Home (p.189). The Booty (p.190). Swans (p.190). The Hawk’s Nest (p.191). A Pair of Crows (p.191); L. Pasternak. Drawing (p.335). Alexandre Benois. Le Roi (p.336). V. Sérov. Portrait of Madame H. (p.336). S. Maliutin. The Country Fair (p.337)) 
A Chromo-Lithographic Portrait of Count Leo Tolstoi by Pasternak / Reviews and Notices // The Studio. Vol.45. London, MCMIX [1909], pp. 332-333 
Russia // Catalogo della Mostra di Belle Arti : Esposizione Internazionale di Roma : [Roma ; Aprile 1911 – Gennaio 1912]. – Bergamo : Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1911, p. 277–299. – Copertina, pagina di titul. – Indice alfabetico degli artisti esponenti (p. 375–420), indice delle illustrazioni (p. 421–429), illustrazioni (p. [431]-I–CCLII). – Link.  
Еврейские народные песни = Judische Volks-lieder [Jewish Folk Songs. 10 songs]. №21 (III). Moscow, P. Yurgenson [Jurgenso , c.1912 (Music for ten songs arrangement by Yuliy Engel'. Cover: Leo Pasternak) 
[This year’s exhibition: «Soyouz» or Union, «Mir Isskusstva» (World of Art), «Peredvizhniki» (Itinerants)] (pp. 328-333) (pp. 328329330331333) (Ill.: L. Pasternak. Portrait of Emile Verhaeren (p.328). N. Bogdanoff-Bielski. The New Proprietors (p.329). A. Ryloff. Swans (p.330). D. Stelletsky. The Gate of Kroutitzy at Moscow (p.331)) // The Studio. Vol.61. London, MCMXIV [1914] 
P.E. [P. Ettinger. The Exhibition group of artists «Mir Isskousstva» (World of Art) in the Lemercier Gallery (Moscow)] (pp. 58-60) (pp.585960) (Ill.: K. Somoff. Portrait of Mme. Karysheff (p.57). Portrait Study (p.58). L. Pasternak. The American Tragedian Oldridge and Taras Shevchenko, the Poet of the Ukraine (p.59)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. The Exhibition of Moscow Society of Artists] (pp. 141-142) (Ill.: F. Zakharoff. Portrait of Madame F. (p.140). J. Chapchal [Я.Ф. Шапшал]. The Manufactory (p.141). S. Noakowski. The Cathedral of Rheims (p.142)) // The Studio. Vol.65. London, MCMXV [1915] (Ill. in the Magazine: William Orpen. Miss Lily Carstairs; Vladimir Polunin. Painted Wooden Toys; Charles W. Simpson. Against the Wind; Oswald Birley. An Interior at James Pryde’s; E. Carter Preston. The Grand Duke Nicholas; Lorna Adamson. Anna Pavlova in the Swan Dance
[Real artistic merits of Russian posters] (pp. 60-65) (pp. 6061636465) (Ill.: S. Vinogradoff. A Russian War Fund Poster (p.61). L. Pasternak. Drawing for a War Fund (p.63)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. About Exhibition of Anna Golubkina] (pp. 140145-146) (Ill.: Portrait Bust of M. Remezoff (p.140). Two Heads (p.145)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. Recent annual exhibition of the Union of Russian Artists of «Soyouz»] (pp. 212-214) (pp. 212213214) (Ill.: S. Malyutin. Portrait of the Painter Konstantin Yuon (p.212). K. Yuon. Reception of the Czar Michael Fedorovitch on the Way to Moscow. The Eve of the Coronation of Czar Michael Fedorovitch Romanoff at the Kremlin, Moscow (p.213). F. Zakharoff. Self-Portrait (p.214). S. Vinogradoff. In a Country House: Spring-Time (p.214)) // The Studio. Vol.64. London, MCMXV [1915] (Ill. in the Magazine: Leonard Campbell Taylor. Chess; Alfred Hartley. In the ForestSilvery Nicht; Sibyl Meugens. «The Green Jar» and «Shadows»; Walter Sickert. Venice
P.E. [P. Ettinger]. [The Exhibitions of Union of Russian Artists or «Soyouz», «Mir Iskustva» (World of Art)] / Moscow. Studio-Talk (pp. 73-75) (pp.737475) (Ill.: S. Chekhonin. Enamel Miniatures (p.73). L. Pasternak. Portrait of V. Maklakoff (p.74). N. Krymoff. Summer Morning (p.75). K. Yuon. On the River Oka (p.75). N. Ulianoff. Portrait of Baroness Knop (p.76)) // The Studio. Vol.71. London, MCMXVII [1917] (Ill. in the Magazine: Maurice Greiffenhagen. The Restoration of Alsace-Lorraine to France; J. McNeill Whistler. Rose and Pink – The Mother’s Siesta; Joseph E. Southall. A Bucket of Salt WaterThe Beach
Ch.N. Bialik, M. Osborn. L. Pasternak: his life and work. Warsaw (Berlin Branch), The Stybel Publishing House, 500 copies, 1924 (Hebrew. Title: Hebrew, Eng.; captions: Hebrew, Eng., Rus.) (Cover, title; Ill.: Portrait of Mrs. Stybel (Oil). – From the coll. of A. Stybel, Copenhagen; Autoportrait; Moscow seen from the mountain Worobioff. Pastel from the coll. of Mr. Lilienthal, Berlin) 
Pasternak, Leonid. №587. View of Moscow I. №588. View of Moscow II // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. New York, Grand Central Palace, 1924 
Pasternak, Leonid. №927. Congratulations. №928. Count Leon Tolstoy and his Family. №928a. Count Leon Tolstoy Reading. №929. Portrait of Count Leon Tolstoy. №930. An Artists` Party at C. Korovin’s. №931. On the Terrace. №932. Composer S. Rachmaninoff. №933. Portrait of N. Sokoloff. №№ 934, 949. Poet Bialik. №935. Poet Schneur. №936. Writer D. Frischman. №937. Portrait of I. Mase. №938. Writer S. An-sky. №939. Writer M. Herschenson. №940. Portrait of the Composer J. Engel. №941. «Musicians». №№ 942, 957. A Head of an Old Man. №943. An Old Man. №944. Count Leon Tolstoy at Work. №945. S. Rachmaninoff Playing. №946. Poet Bialik and Writer D. Frischman. №947. Writer D. Frischman at Work. №948. Nursing. №950. Poet Chernikhovsky. №951. Writer and Philosopher L. Shestoff. №952. Writer A. Remisoff. №953. Poet Boris Pasternak. №954. S. Rachmaninoff and the Cellist Brandukoff. №955. Pianist Joseph Hoffman. №956. Composer M. Gnessin. №958. Two Women’s Heads. №959. The Philosopher G. Kogen and his Disciples. №960. Fedor Shaliapin. (Study for a Picture). №961. Portrait of the Artist. №962. Sisters. №963. Grandmother. №964. Dyeing Easter Eggs. №965. Gordon Craig at Work. №966. Arthur Nikisch. №967. Count Leon Tolstoy. №968. Beethoven (lithograph). №969. Emil Verharen (lithograph). №970. Poet Chernikhovsky / Supplement to the Catalogue of the Russian Art Exhibition // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. New York, Grand Central Palace, 1924 
Memorial Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945. [April 1958. A catalogue listing 115 paintings or drawings]. Oxford, University Press, Ashmolean Museum, Department of Fine Art, 1958 (Introd. by Cecil Maurice Bowra) 
Josephine Pasternak. Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945 (Exhibit: 20 March – 30 May 1969, Ely House). [Catalogue]. London, Oxford University Press, 1969 
L.O. Pasternak // Russische Graphik des 20. Jahrhunderts. 100 Bildtafeln. Insel-Verlag. Leipzig, 1970 
Guy de Mallac. A Russian Impressionist: Leonid Osipovich Pasternak, 1862 – 1945 // California Slavic Studies. Vol.10. Los Angeles, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1977, p.87 – 120 
Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945. [Exhibition, 28 January – 25 February 1978. Catalogue]. [United Kingdom], Crawford Centre for the Arts University of St Andrews (Scotland), 1978 (Preface by John Steer, introduct. by Larissa Salmina-Haskell, biopic by Jennifer Bradshaw) (Cover
Luba Gurdus. The Forgotten Friendship: L.O. Pasternak and A.J. Stybel // The First Jewish Art Annual. N.Y., 1980, p.38 – 45 
A Russian Impressionist: Paintings and Drawings by Leonid Pasternak, 1890 – 1945. Washington, D.C., SITES (Smithsonian Institution Travelling Exhibition Sevice), 1987 (ed. by David Andrews) (Cover
Bown, M.C. A Dictionary of Twentieth Century Russian And Soviet Painters : 1900–1980s. – London : Izomar Limited, [1998]. – Bookjacket: Back: Ruslan A. Kobozev. Inthe Factory Canteen (detail) (1950s); Front: Georgi I. Rublev. A Factory PartyMeeting (detail) (1932); cover; frontispiece: Aleksandr M. Gerasimov. Portrait of the Artist’sWife (1929); title.  
R. Salys, J. Whiteley. Leonid Pasternak: The Russian Years, 1875 – 1921. A Critical Study and Catalogue. [2 vol.]. [USA], Oxford University Press, [1999] (Cover
И.И. Ващенко, Ю.А. Солодовников (пред., поясн.), Я.С. Алалыкина, С.М. Гонтарь, О.В. Загорная, С.Н. Пыхтина, Т.А. Сальникова, Ю.В. Костюков, Е.Г. Касавченко. Краснодарский краевой художественный музей им. Ф.А. Коваленко: Русское искусство первой трети ХХ века. Каталог. Самара, СамЛюксПринт, ККХМ им. Ф.А. Коваленко, 1 000 экз., 2011 (рус., анг.) (Krasnodar Art Museum: Art of Russia 1st third XXth Centure. Catalogue. Samara, 2011) (rus., eng.) 

Pasternac, L. №825. Returning home / Fine Arts : Department K // Catalogue of the Russian section : World’s Columbian Exposition : 1893 : Chicago. – S.-Petersburg, 1893, p.374. – CoverНКаразин; title. – Link. [[1893]]

Pasternak – Пастернак, Л.О. №191. A l’ouvrage – За работой (рисунок). №192. Téte – Головка (рисунок). №193. Une visite а́ la champagne – С визитом на даче // Каталог Выставки Картин, состоящей под Августейшим покровительством Ея Императорского Высочества Великой Княгини Елисаветы Федоровны. «Union Artistique Russie – France» [Союз художников Россия – Франция]. Москва, Кузнецкий мост, д. Джамгаровых, бывший Попова. М.; Поставщик Высочайшего Двора Т-во Скор. А.А. Левенсон. Москва, Петровка, д. №. 22; 1898, с.35

Catalogue Officiel illustré de L’Exposition Décennale des Beaux-Arts de 1889 à 1900 : Exposition Universelle de 1900 / éd.: Ludovic Baschet. – Paris ; impr. Lemercier & Cie, 1900. – Сouvert., p. de titre. – Liste des artistes RussesР. 320–325. – Illustrations d'artistes RussesР. 214–224. – Link. [[1900]]

Korowine Const., Kalmykoff Johann, Ryloff Arkadius, Purwit Wilhelm, Kustodieff Boris, Wrubel Michael, Golowine, Maison Mamontoff, Somoff Const., Roehrich Nicolas, Nesteroff, Pasternak Leonid, Aubert Arthur / Russische Künstler (p.282930) // Katalog der XII. Kunstausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession. [Wien, druck von Adolf Holzhausen, preis 60 heller, 1901], pp. 28-30 (Photo of the Russian Room at the Vienna Secessionists’ Exhibition from «The Studio». Vol.25. London, 1902, p.135) [[1901]]

Альбом художественных иллюстраций Л.О. Пастернака к роману Л.Н. Толстого «Воскресение» = Album. 33 illustrations par L. Pasternak. (Roman «Résurrection» par L. Tolstoy). Chtistchurch Hants (England), Свободное слово (Parole Libre) (№65), A. Tchertkoff, 1 руб. 50 коп., 1901 (Обл., спинка, форзац; Илл.: 1. Весна. 2. Тюремные надзиратель и надзирательница. 11. Священники едут служить обедню. 12. У заутрени. 13. Нехлюдов у окна девичьей. 14. Во время перерыва суда. 15. После приговора. 16. Закуска в доме Корчагиных. 17. Княгиня Софья Васильевна и лакей Филипп. 18. Возвращение Масловой после приговора. 19. Катюша бежит за поездом железной дороги. 20. Посетители у ворот тюрьмы. 21. Свидание с арестантами за решёткой. Мужская посетительская. 28. Вид Петропавловской крепости и Нева)

Modern Russian Art: Some Leading Painters of Moscow. By M.P. (pp. 216217218219220221) (K. Somoff. Portrait (p.222); Ill. in text: Rerich [Roerich]. Maison de Dieu; F. [sic; Igo Grabar. September Snow; S. Ivanoff. A Sixteenth-Century Muscovite Military Expedition; F. Maliavine. A Peasant Girl; A. Vasnetzoff. Place d’Ivan Veliki au Kremlin; K. Korovine. Portrait; K. Tuon [Yuon]. Vers Troitzy; L. Pastemak [Pasternak]. Portrait of a Child) // The Studio. Vol.31. London, 1904 (Ill.: Fritz Thaulow. Le Dégel (p.63). Bruno Liljefors. Sea Eagles (p.103))

Moscow. [Text about this year’s exhibition by the artists’ society known as the «Soyouz [of Russian Painters]»] (pp. 166167168169170) / Studio-Talk // The Studio. Vol.35. London, 1905, pp. 166 – 170 (Ill. in the text: S. Ivanoff. Maslannitza – Carnival in a Russian Street; R. Youon [sic, K. Yuon]. On the Bank; T. [sic, Ph.] Maliavine. Drawing. Peasant Girls; L. Pasternak. Portrait) (Ill.: V. Seroff. Drawing [Portrait of Belgian violinist Eugène Ysaye]. 1903 (p.165)) [[1905]]

P. Ettinger. The Drawings of L. Pasternak (pp.306307309310311313) // The Studio. Vol.37. London, 1906, pp. 306-313

P.E. [P. Ettinger]. Moscow. Studio-Talk [Text about Russian exhibitions], pp. 81-83 (pp.818283) (Ill. in the text: Ilya Repine. Portrait Study (p.82). Igor Grabar. Chrysanthemums (p.83). E. Lanseray. The Empress Elizabeth at Tzarskoye Selo (p.83)); Henry Frantz. The Exhibition of Russian Art in Paris, pp. 319-323 (pp.319320321322323) (Ill. in the text: A. Benois. Review of Troops in the Reign of Pail I (p.319). C. Somoff. In the Park (p.319). N. Röhrich. The Old Town (p.320). [C.] Korovine. The Log Hut (p.320). Constantin Bogaievsky. The Dead City (p.321). I. Grabar. Birch Tree (p.321). Prince P. Troubetzkoy. Model (p.322). P. [sic, Ph.] Malyavine. Peasant Women (p.322)) // The Studio. Vol.39. London, 1907

Ettinger, P. Moderne russische Malerei // Die Kunst für alle : Malerei, Plastik, Graphik, Architektur / herausg.: Fritz Schwartz. – München : Verlagsanstalt F. Bruckmann A.-G. ; Druck von A. Bruckmann (München), 1907 (15. März, H.12), S. 273–285. – Abb.: L. Bakst. [Zeichnung] (S.273). Antike Vision (S.277). Zeichnung (S.286). Bildnis der Gräfin Keller (S.291). Zeichnung (S.296). – W. Borissoff-Mussatoff. Requiem (S.273-1). – S. Iwanoff. Der Zar (S.274). – M. Wrubel. Die Schwanenprinzessin (S.275). Mikula Selianinovitsch (russische Legende) (S.281). Zwei Heilige (S.288). – I. Rjepin. Der Schriftsteller Garschin (S.276). Kleinrussische Volksszene (S.290). – K. Somoff. Zeichnung für einen Kalender (S.277). Der Spaziergang (S.285). Die Maske (S.286). – P. Troubetzkoi, Fürst. Kind mit Hund (S.278). Der Bildhauer August Rodin (S.295). – A. Benois. Das Bad der Marquise (S.279). – V. Sjeroff. Kinderbildnis (S.280–1–281). Graf Felix Sumarokoff-Elston (S.283). Bildnis (S.285). – K. Bogajewsky. Landschaft (S.280). – K. Juon. Während des Karnevals (S.281). – A. Riabuschkin. Der Tanz (S.282). In der Kirche (S.293). – F. Maljawin. Bäuerinnen (S.284). – K. Korowin. Die Wirtin (S.287). – S. Sudbinin. Kopf des Christus, der die Händler vertreibt (S.288). – M. Nesteroff. Einkleidung einer Nonne (S.289). – Appolinarius Wassnetzoff. Aus dem alten Moskau (S.290). – O. Braz. Bildnis (S.292). – S. Korowin. Wallfahrer (S.294). – L. Pasternak. Studie (S.296). – Link. [[1907]]

G. Bröchner. A Swedish Sportsman Painter: Bruno Liljefors (pp. 184-191) (pp.184185186187188189190191); P.E. [P. Ettinger]. Moscow. Studio-Talk (pp. 333-336) (pp.333334335336) // The Studio. Vol.43. London, MCMVIII [1908] (Ill. in the magazine: E.A. Hornel. Lace-Making in Ceylon (p.321); F. Brangwyn. Sketch for Panel at the Skinners’ Hall, London; B. Liljefors. The Marauder (p.185). Eagle-Owl (p.186). Cock and Hen (p.186). Blackcocks, Pairing Season (p.187). On the Alert (p.188). Reynard at Home (p.189). The Booty (p.190). Swans (p.190). The Hawk’s Nest (p.191). A Pair of Crows (p.191); L. Pasternak. Drawing (p.335). Alexandre Benois. Le Roi (p.336). V. Sérov. Portrait of Madame H. (p.336). S. Maliutin. The Country Fair (p.337))

A Chromo-Lithographic Portrait of Count Leo Tolstoi by Pasternak / Reviews and Notices // The Studio. Vol.45. London, MCMIX [1909], pp. 332-333

Russia // Catalogo della Mostra di Belle Arti : Esposizione Internazionale di Roma : [Roma ; Aprile 1911 – Gennaio 1912]. – Bergamo : Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1911, p. 277–299. – Copertina, pagina di titul. – Indice alfabetico degli artisti esponenti (p. 375–420), indice delle illustrazioni (p. 421–429), illustrazioni (p. [431]-I–CCLII). – Link. [[1911]]

Еврейские народные песни = Judische Volks-lieder [Jewish Folk Songs. 10 songs]. №21 (III). Moscow, P. Yurgenson [Jurgenso , c.1912 (Music for ten songs arrangement by Yuliy Engel'. Cover: Leo Pasternak)

[This year’s exhibition: «Soyouz» or Union, «Mir Isskusstva» (World of Art), «Peredvizhniki» (Itinerants)] (pp. 328-333) (pp. 328329330331333) (Ill.: L. Pasternak. Portrait of Emile Verhaeren (p.328). N. Bogdanoff-Bielski. The New Proprietors (p.329). A. Ryloff. Swans (p.330). D. Stelletsky. The Gate of Kroutitzy at Moscow (p.331)) // The Studio. Vol.61. London, MCMXIV [1914]

P.E. [P. Ettinger. The Exhibition group of artists «Mir Isskousstva» (World of Art) in the Lemercier Gallery (Moscow)] (pp. 58-60) (pp.585960) (Ill.: K. Somoff. Portrait of Mme. Karysheff (p.57). Portrait Study (p.58). L. Pasternak. The American Tragedian Oldridge and Taras Shevchenko, the Poet of the Ukraine (p.59)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. The Exhibition of Moscow Society of Artists] (pp. 141-142) (Ill.: F. Zakharoff. Portrait of Madame F. (p.140). J. Chapchal [Я.Ф. Шапшал]. The Manufactory (p.141). S. Noakowski. The Cathedral of Rheims (p.142)) // The Studio. Vol.65. London, MCMXV [1915] (Ill. in the Magazine: William Orpen. Miss Lily Carstairs; Vladimir Polunin. Painted Wooden Toys; Charles W. Simpson. Against the Wind; Oswald Birley. An Interior at James Pryde’s; E. Carter Preston. The Grand Duke Nicholas; Lorna Adamson. Anna Pavlova in the Swan Dance)

[Real artistic merits of Russian posters] (pp. 60-65) (pp. 6061636465) (Ill.: S. Vinogradoff. A Russian War Fund Poster (p.61). L. Pasternak. Drawing for a War Fund (p.63)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. About Exhibition of Anna Golubkina] (pp. 140145-146) (Ill.: Portrait Bust of M. Remezoff (p.140). Two Heads (p.145)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. Recent annual exhibition of the Union of Russian Artists of «Soyouz»] (pp. 212-214) (pp. 212213214) (Ill.: S. Malyutin. Portrait of the Painter Konstantin Yuon (p.212). K. Yuon. Reception of the Czar Michael Fedorovitch on the Way to Moscow. The Eve of the Coronation of Czar Michael Fedorovitch Romanoff at the Kremlin, Moscow (p.213). F. Zakharoff. Self-Portrait (p.214). S. Vinogradoff. In a Country House: Spring-Time (p.214)) // The Studio. Vol.64. London, MCMXV [1915] (Ill. in the Magazine: Leonard Campbell Taylor. Chess; Alfred Hartley. In the ForestSilvery Nicht; Sibyl Meugens. «The Green Jar» and «Shadows»; Walter Sickert. Venice)

P.E. [P. Ettinger]. [The Exhibitions of Union of Russian Artists or «Soyouz», «Mir Iskustva» (World of Art)] / Moscow. Studio-Talk (pp. 73-75) (pp.737475) (Ill.: S. Chekhonin. Enamel Miniatures (p.73). L. Pasternak. Portrait of V. Maklakoff (p.74). N. Krymoff. Summer Morning (p.75). K. Yuon. On the River Oka (p.75). N. Ulianoff. Portrait of Baroness Knop (p.76)) // The Studio. Vol.71. London, MCMXVII [1917] (Ill. in the Magazine: Maurice Greiffenhagen. The Restoration of Alsace-Lorraine to France; J. McNeill Whistler. Rose and Pink – The Mother’s Siesta; Joseph E. Southall. A Bucket of Salt WaterThe Beach)

Ch.N. Bialik, M. Osborn. L. Pasternak: his life and work. Warsaw (Berlin Branch), The Stybel Publishing House, 500 copies, 1924 (Hebrew. Title: Hebrew, Eng.; captions: Hebrew, Eng., Rus.) (Cover, title; Ill.: Portrait of Mrs. Stybel (Oil). – From the coll. of A. Stybel, Copenhagen; Autoportrait; Moscow seen from the mountain Worobioff. Pastel from the coll. of Mr. Lilienthal, Berlin)

Pasternak, Leonid. №587. View of Moscow I. №588. View of Moscow II // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. New York, Grand Central Palace, 1924

Pasternak, Leonid. №927. Congratulations. №928. Count Leon Tolstoy and his Family. №928a. Count Leon Tolstoy Reading. №929. Portrait of Count Leon Tolstoy. №930. An Artists` Party at C. Korovin’s. №931. On the Terrace. №932. Composer S. Rachmaninoff. №933. Portrait of N. Sokoloff. №№ 934, 949. Poet Bialik. №935. Poet Schneur. №936. Writer D. Frischman. №937. Portrait of I. Mase. №938. Writer S. An-sky. №939. Writer M. Herschenson. №940. Portrait of the Composer J. Engel. №941. «Musicians». №№ 942, 957. A Head of an Old Man. №943. An Old Man. №944. Count Leon Tolstoy at Work. №945. S. Rachmaninoff Playing. №946. Poet Bialik and Writer D. Frischman. №947. Writer D. Frischman at Work. №948. Nursing. №950. Poet Chernikhovsky. №951. Writer and Philosopher L. Shestoff. №952. Writer A. Remisoff. №953. Poet Boris Pasternak. №954. S. Rachmaninoff and the Cellist Brandukoff. №955. Pianist Joseph Hoffman. №956. Composer M. Gnessin. №958. Two Women’s Heads. №959. The Philosopher G. Kogen and his Disciples. №960. Fedor Shaliapin. (Study for a Picture). №961. Portrait of the Artist. №962. Sisters. №963. Grandmother. №964. Dyeing Easter Eggs. №965. Gordon Craig at Work. №966. Arthur Nikisch. №967. Count Leon Tolstoy. №968. Beethoven (lithograph). №969. Emil Verharen (lithograph). №970. Poet Chernikhovsky / Supplement to the Catalogue of the Russian Art Exhibition // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. New York, Grand Central Palace, 1924

Memorial Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945. [April 1958. A catalogue listing 115 paintings or drawings]. Oxford, University Press, Ashmolean Museum, Department of Fine Art, 1958 (Introd. by Cecil Maurice Bowra)

Josephine Pasternak. Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945 (Exhibit: 20 March – 30 May 1969, Ely House). [Catalogue]. London, Oxford University Press, 1969

L.O. Pasternak // Russische Graphik des 20. Jahrhunderts. 100 Bildtafeln. Insel-Verlag. Leipzig, 1970

Guy de Mallac. A Russian Impressionist: Leonid Osipovich Pasternak, 1862 – 1945 // California Slavic Studies. Vol.10. Los Angeles, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1977, p.87 – 120

Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945. [Exhibition, 28 January – 25 February 1978. Catalogue]. [United Kingdom], Crawford Centre for the Arts University of St Andrews (Scotland), 1978 (Preface by John Steer, introduct. by Larissa Salmina-Haskell, biopic by Jennifer Bradshaw) (Cover)

Luba Gurdus. The Forgotten Friendship: L.O. Pasternak and A.J. Stybel // The First Jewish Art Annual. N.Y., 1980, p.38 – 45

A Russian Impressionist: Paintings and Drawings by Leonid Pasternak, 1890 – 1945. Washington, D.C., SITES (Smithsonian Institution Travelling Exhibition Sevice), 1987 (ed. by David Andrews) (Cover)

Bown, M.C. A Dictionary of Twentieth Century Russian And Soviet Painters : 1900–1980s. – London : Izomar Limited, [1998]. – Bookjacket: Back: Ruslan A. Kobozev. Inthe Factory Canteen (detail) (1950s); Front: Georgi I. Rublev. A Factory PartyMeeting (detail) (1932); cover; frontispiece: Aleksandr M. Gerasimov. Portrait of the Artist’sWife (1929); title. [[1998]]

R. Salys, J. Whiteley. Leonid Pasternak: The Russian Years, 1875 – 1921. A Critical Study and Catalogue. [2 vol.]. [USA], Oxford University Press, [1999] (Cover)

И.И. Ващенко, Ю.А. Солодовников (пред., поясн.), Я.С. Алалыкина, С.М. Гонтарь, О.В. Загорная, С.Н. Пыхтина, Т.А. Сальникова, Ю.В. Костюков, Е.Г. Касавченко. Краснодарский краевой художественный музей им. Ф.А. Коваленко: Русское искусство первой трети ХХ века. Каталог. Самара, СамЛюксПринт, ККХМ им. Ф.А. Коваленко, 1 000 экз., 2011 (рус., анг.) (Krasnodar Art Museum: Art of Russia 1st third XXth Centure. Catalogue. Samara, 2011) (rus., eng.)



Pasternak, L.O.

Leonid & Boris Pasternak: Biography and Works // The Pasternak Trust: A Family Collection // www.pasternak-trust.org

The Studio: international art London [u.a.], 1.1893 – 90.1925 // www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de

Pasternak, Leonid Osipovich. Still-life with fruit. ca. 1927. Watercolour // Victoria & Albert Museum Colletions (GB) // www.collections.vam.ac.uk

Register of the Pasternak Family Papers, 1878 – 2010. Collection Number: #96063. Online Archive of California (Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, USA) // www.oac.cdlib.org

Leonid Pasternak // Sotheby's sold lots archive // www.sothebys.com

Upcoming sale at Christie's: Pasternak L.O.

Archive of sold lots at Christie's: Pasternak L.O.

Russusche und sowjetische Plakatkunst (Bochum, Germany) // www.russianposter.ru

Personalia // Russian Art and Books (San Diego, CA, USA) // www.russianartandbooks.com

Leonid Pasternak’s Works online // Musée d'Orsay (Paris) // www.musee-orsay.fr

Pasternak Leonid Ossipovic. Autoritratto di Leonid Ossipovic Pasternak. Olio su tela, 65,5 x 50 cm / Galleria degli Uffizi (Palazzo degli Uffizi, Firenze, Italy) // www.polomuseale.firenze.it

Pasternak Leonid on the Free Encyclopedia WikipediA // www.en.wikipedia.org

Pasternak, Leonid Osipovich. Biography // JewishEncyclopedia.Com // www.jewishencyclopedia.com

Art Signature Dictionary of artists signatures, biographies, auction results & fakes // Holmberg & Co Marknadsplanering AB, Sweden // www.artsignaturedictionary.com

Drawings Collection of Ashmolean Museum (University of Oxford, UK) // www.ashmolean.org

Biography of Pasternak Leonid by Mirjam Rajner // YIVO Institute for Jewish Research // www.yivoencyclopedia.org

Leonid Pasternak // www.artfira.com

Leonid Pasternak in Tate Collection (London, UK) // www.tate.org.uk

Database: Leonid Pasternak / The Athenaeum // www.the-athenaeum.org

Auctions and galleries
Database: Leonid Pasternak / The Athenaeum // www.the-athenaeum.org 
Pasternac, L. №825. Returning home / Fine Arts : Department K // Catalogue of the Russian section : World’s Columbian Exposition : 1893 : Chicago. – S.-Petersburg, 1893, p.374. – CoverНКаразин; title. – Link.  
Pasternak – Пастернак, Л.О. №191. A l’ouvrage – За работой (рисунок). №192. Téte – Головка (рисунок). №193. Une visite а́ la champagne – С визитом на даче // Каталог Выставки Картин, состоящей под Августейшим покровительством Ея Императорского Высочества Великой Княгини Елисаветы Федоровны. «Union Artistique Russie – France» [Союз художников Россия – Франция]. Москва, Кузнецкий мост, д. Джамгаровых, бывший Попова. М.; Поставщик Высочайшего Двора Т-во Скор. А.А. Левенсон. Москва, Петровка, д. №. 22; 1898, с.35 
Catalogue Officiel illustré de L’Exposition Décennale des Beaux-Arts de 1889 à 1900 : Exposition Universelle de 1900 / éd.: Ludovic Baschet. – Paris ; impr. Lemercier & Cie, 1900. – Сouvert., p. de titre. – Liste des artistes RussesР. 320–325. – Illustrations d'artistes RussesР. 214–224. – Link.  
Korowine Const., Kalmykoff Johann, Ryloff Arkadius, Purwit Wilhelm, Kustodieff Boris, Wrubel Michael, Golowine, Maison Mamontoff, Somoff Const., Roehrich Nicolas, Nesteroff, Pasternak Leonid, Aubert Arthur / Russische Künstler (p.282930) // Katalog der XII. Kunstausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession. [Wien, druck von Adolf Holzhausen, preis 60 heller, 1901], pp. 28-30 (Photo of the Russian Room at the Vienna Secessionists’ Exhibition from «The Studio». Vol.25. London, 1902, p.135)  
Modern Russian Art: Some Leading Painters of Moscow. By M.P. (pp. 216217218219220221) (K. Somoff. Portrait (p.222); Ill. in text: Rerich [Roerich]. Maison de Dieu; F. [sic; Igo Grabar. September Snow; S. Ivanoff. A Sixteenth-Century Muscovite Military Expedition; F. Maliavine. A Peasant Girl; A. Vasnetzoff. Place d’Ivan Veliki au Kremlin; K. Korovine. Portrait; K. Tuon [Yuon]. Vers Troitzy; L. Pastemak [Pasternak]. Portrait of a Child) // The Studio. Vol.31. London, 1904 (Ill.: Fritz Thaulow. Le Dégel (p.63). Bruno Liljefors. Sea Eagles (p.103)) 
Moscow. [Text about this year’s exhibition by the artists’ society known as the «Soyouz [of Russian Painters]»] (pp. 166167168169170) / Studio-Talk // The Studio. Vol.35. London, 1905, pp. 166 – 170 (Ill. in the text: S. Ivanoff. Maslannitza – Carnival in a Russian Street; R. Youon [sic, K. Yuon]. On the Bank; T. [sic, Ph.] Maliavine. Drawing. Peasant Girls; L. Pasternak. Portrait) (Ill.: V. Seroff. Drawing [Portrait of Belgian violinist Eugène Ysaye]. 1903 (p.165))  
P. Ettinger. The Drawings of L. Pasternak (pp.306307309310311313) // The Studio. Vol.37. London, 1906, pp. 306-313 
P.E. [P. Ettinger]. Moscow. Studio-Talk [Text about Russian exhibitions], pp. 81-83 (pp.818283) (Ill. in the text: Ilya Repine. Portrait Study (p.82). Igor Grabar. Chrysanthemums (p.83). E. Lanseray. The Empress Elizabeth at Tzarskoye Selo (p.83)); Henry Frantz. The Exhibition of Russian Art in Paris, pp. 319-323 (pp.319320321322323) (Ill. in the text: A. Benois. Review of Troops in the Reign of Pail I (p.319). C. Somoff. In the Park (p.319). N. Röhrich. The Old Town (p.320). [C.] Korovine. The Log Hut (p.320). Constantin Bogaievsky. The Dead City (p.321). I. Grabar. Birch Tree (p.321). Prince P. Troubetzkoy. Model (p.322). P. [sic, Ph.] Malyavine. Peasant Women (p.322)) // The Studio. Vol.39. London, 1907 
Ettinger, P. Moderne russische Malerei // Die Kunst für alle : Malerei, Plastik, Graphik, Architektur / herausg.: Fritz Schwartz. – München : Verlagsanstalt F. Bruckmann A.-G. ; Druck von A. Bruckmann (München), 1907 (15. März, H.12), S. 273–285. – Abb.: L. Bakst. [Zeichnung] (S.273). Antike Vision (S.277). Zeichnung (S.286). Bildnis der Gräfin Keller (S.291). Zeichnung (S.296). – W. Borissoff-Mussatoff. Requiem (S.273-1). – S. Iwanoff. Der Zar (S.274). – M. Wrubel. Die Schwanenprinzessin (S.275). Mikula Selianinovitsch (russische Legende) (S.281). Zwei Heilige (S.288). – I. Rjepin. Der Schriftsteller Garschin (S.276). Kleinrussische Volksszene (S.290). – K. Somoff. Zeichnung für einen Kalender (S.277). Der Spaziergang (S.285). Die Maske (S.286). – P. Troubetzkoi, Fürst. Kind mit Hund (S.278). Der Bildhauer August Rodin (S.295). – A. Benois. Das Bad der Marquise (S.279). – V. Sjeroff. Kinderbildnis (S.280–1–281). Graf Felix Sumarokoff-Elston (S.283). Bildnis (S.285). – K. Bogajewsky. Landschaft (S.280). – K. Juon. Während des Karnevals (S.281). – A. Riabuschkin. Der Tanz (S.282). In der Kirche (S.293). – F. Maljawin. Bäuerinnen (S.284). – K. Korowin. Die Wirtin (S.287). – S. Sudbinin. Kopf des Christus, der die Händler vertreibt (S.288). – M. Nesteroff. Einkleidung einer Nonne (S.289). – Appolinarius Wassnetzoff. Aus dem alten Moskau (S.290). – O. Braz. Bildnis (S.292). – S. Korowin. Wallfahrer (S.294). – L. Pasternak. Studie (S.296). – Link.  
G. Bröchner. A Swedish Sportsman Painter: Bruno Liljefors (pp. 184-191) (pp.184185186187188189190191); P.E. [P. Ettinger]. Moscow. Studio-Talk (pp. 333-336) (pp.333334335336) // The Studio. Vol.43. London, MCMVIII [1908] (Ill. in the magazine: E.A. Hornel. Lace-Making in Ceylon (p.321); F. Brangwyn. Sketch for Panel at the Skinners’ Hall, London; B. Liljefors. The Marauder (p.185). Eagle-Owl (p.186). Cock and Hen (p.186). Blackcocks, Pairing Season (p.187). On the Alert (p.188). Reynard at Home (p.189). The Booty (p.190). Swans (p.190). The Hawk’s Nest (p.191). A Pair of Crows (p.191); L. Pasternak. Drawing (p.335). Alexandre Benois. Le Roi (p.336). V. Sérov. Portrait of Madame H. (p.336). S. Maliutin. The Country Fair (p.337)) 
A Chromo-Lithographic Portrait of Count Leo Tolstoi by Pasternak / Reviews and Notices // The Studio. Vol.45. London, MCMIX [1909], pp. 332-333 
Russia // Catalogo della Mostra di Belle Arti : Esposizione Internazionale di Roma : [Roma ; Aprile 1911 – Gennaio 1912]. – Bergamo : Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1911, p. 277–299. – Copertina, pagina di titul. – Indice alfabetico degli artisti esponenti (p. 375–420), indice delle illustrazioni (p. 421–429), illustrazioni (p. [431]-I–CCLII). – Link.  
Еврейские народные песни = Judische Volks-lieder [Jewish Folk Songs. 10 songs]. №21 (III). Moscow, P. Yurgenson [Jurgenso , c.1912 (Music for ten songs arrangement by Yuliy Engel'. Cover: Leo Pasternak) 
[This year’s exhibition: «Soyouz» or Union, «Mir Isskusstva» (World of Art), «Peredvizhniki» (Itinerants)] (pp. 328-333) (pp. 328329330331333) (Ill.: L. Pasternak. Portrait of Emile Verhaeren (p.328). N. Bogdanoff-Bielski. The New Proprietors (p.329). A. Ryloff. Swans (p.330). D. Stelletsky. The Gate of Kroutitzy at Moscow (p.331)) // The Studio. Vol.61. London, MCMXIV [1914] 
P.E. [P. Ettinger. The Exhibition group of artists «Mir Isskousstva» (World of Art) in the Lemercier Gallery (Moscow)] (pp. 58-60) (pp.585960) (Ill.: K. Somoff. Portrait of Mme. Karysheff (p.57). Portrait Study (p.58). L. Pasternak. The American Tragedian Oldridge and Taras Shevchenko, the Poet of the Ukraine (p.59)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. The Exhibition of Moscow Society of Artists] (pp. 141-142) (Ill.: F. Zakharoff. Portrait of Madame F. (p.140). J. Chapchal [Я.Ф. Шапшал]. The Manufactory (p.141). S. Noakowski. The Cathedral of Rheims (p.142)) // The Studio. Vol.65. London, MCMXV [1915] (Ill. in the Magazine: William Orpen. Miss Lily Carstairs; Vladimir Polunin. Painted Wooden Toys; Charles W. Simpson. Against the Wind; Oswald Birley. An Interior at James Pryde’s; E. Carter Preston. The Grand Duke Nicholas; Lorna Adamson. Anna Pavlova in the Swan Dance
[Real artistic merits of Russian posters] (pp. 60-65) (pp. 6061636465) (Ill.: S. Vinogradoff. A Russian War Fund Poster (p.61). L. Pasternak. Drawing for a War Fund (p.63)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. About Exhibition of Anna Golubkina] (pp. 140145-146) (Ill.: Portrait Bust of M. Remezoff (p.140). Two Heads (p.145)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. Recent annual exhibition of the Union of Russian Artists of «Soyouz»] (pp. 212-214) (pp. 212213214) (Ill.: S. Malyutin. Portrait of the Painter Konstantin Yuon (p.212). K. Yuon. Reception of the Czar Michael Fedorovitch on the Way to Moscow. The Eve of the Coronation of Czar Michael Fedorovitch Romanoff at the Kremlin, Moscow (p.213). F. Zakharoff. Self-Portrait (p.214). S. Vinogradoff. In a Country House: Spring-Time (p.214)) // The Studio. Vol.64. London, MCMXV [1915] (Ill. in the Magazine: Leonard Campbell Taylor. Chess; Alfred Hartley. In the ForestSilvery Nicht; Sibyl Meugens. «The Green Jar» and «Shadows»; Walter Sickert. Venice
P.E. [P. Ettinger]. [The Exhibitions of Union of Russian Artists or «Soyouz», «Mir Iskustva» (World of Art)] / Moscow. Studio-Talk (pp. 73-75) (pp.737475) (Ill.: S. Chekhonin. Enamel Miniatures (p.73). L. Pasternak. Portrait of V. Maklakoff (p.74). N. Krymoff. Summer Morning (p.75). K. Yuon. On the River Oka (p.75). N. Ulianoff. Portrait of Baroness Knop (p.76)) // The Studio. Vol.71. London, MCMXVII [1917] (Ill. in the Magazine: Maurice Greiffenhagen. The Restoration of Alsace-Lorraine to France; J. McNeill Whistler. Rose and Pink – The Mother’s Siesta; Joseph E. Southall. A Bucket of Salt WaterThe Beach
Ch.N. Bialik, M. Osborn. L. Pasternak: his life and work. Warsaw (Berlin Branch), The Stybel Publishing House, 500 copies, 1924 (Hebrew. Title: Hebrew, Eng.; captions: Hebrew, Eng., Rus.) (Cover, title; Ill.: Portrait of Mrs. Stybel (Oil). – From the coll. of A. Stybel, Copenhagen; Autoportrait; Moscow seen from the mountain Worobioff. Pastel from the coll. of Mr. Lilienthal, Berlin) 
Pasternak, Leonid. №587. View of Moscow I. №588. View of Moscow II // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. New York, Grand Central Palace, 1924 
Pasternak, Leonid. №927. Congratulations. №928. Count Leon Tolstoy and his Family. №928a. Count Leon Tolstoy Reading. №929. Portrait of Count Leon Tolstoy. №930. An Artists` Party at C. Korovin’s. №931. On the Terrace. №932. Composer S. Rachmaninoff. №933. Portrait of N. Sokoloff. №№ 934, 949. Poet Bialik. №935. Poet Schneur. №936. Writer D. Frischman. №937. Portrait of I. Mase. №938. Writer S. An-sky. №939. Writer M. Herschenson. №940. Portrait of the Composer J. Engel. №941. «Musicians». №№ 942, 957. A Head of an Old Man. №943. An Old Man. №944. Count Leon Tolstoy at Work. №945. S. Rachmaninoff Playing. №946. Poet Bialik and Writer D. Frischman. №947. Writer D. Frischman at Work. №948. Nursing. №950. Poet Chernikhovsky. №951. Writer and Philosopher L. Shestoff. №952. Writer A. Remisoff. №953. Poet Boris Pasternak. №954. S. Rachmaninoff and the Cellist Brandukoff. №955. Pianist Joseph Hoffman. №956. Composer M. Gnessin. №958. Two Women’s Heads. №959. The Philosopher G. Kogen and his Disciples. №960. Fedor Shaliapin. (Study for a Picture). №961. Portrait of the Artist. №962. Sisters. №963. Grandmother. №964. Dyeing Easter Eggs. №965. Gordon Craig at Work. №966. Arthur Nikisch. №967. Count Leon Tolstoy. №968. Beethoven (lithograph). №969. Emil Verharen (lithograph). №970. Poet Chernikhovsky / Supplement to the Catalogue of the Russian Art Exhibition // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. New York, Grand Central Palace, 1924 
Memorial Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945. [April 1958. A catalogue listing 115 paintings or drawings]. Oxford, University Press, Ashmolean Museum, Department of Fine Art, 1958 (Introd. by Cecil Maurice Bowra) 
Josephine Pasternak. Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945 (Exhibit: 20 March – 30 May 1969, Ely House). [Catalogue]. London, Oxford University Press, 1969 
L.O. Pasternak // Russische Graphik des 20. Jahrhunderts. 100 Bildtafeln. Insel-Verlag. Leipzig, 1970 
Guy de Mallac. A Russian Impressionist: Leonid Osipovich Pasternak, 1862 – 1945 // California Slavic Studies. Vol.10. Los Angeles, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1977, p.87 – 120 
Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945. [Exhibition, 28 January – 25 February 1978. Catalogue]. [United Kingdom], Crawford Centre for the Arts University of St Andrews (Scotland), 1978 (Preface by John Steer, introduct. by Larissa Salmina-Haskell, biopic by Jennifer Bradshaw) (Cover
Luba Gurdus. The Forgotten Friendship: L.O. Pasternak and A.J. Stybel // The First Jewish Art Annual. N.Y., 1980, p.38 – 45 
A Russian Impressionist: Paintings and Drawings by Leonid Pasternak, 1890 – 1945. Washington, D.C., SITES (Smithsonian Institution Travelling Exhibition Sevice), 1987 (ed. by David Andrews) (Cover
Bown, M.C. A Dictionary of Twentieth Century Russian And Soviet Painters : 1900–1980s. – London : Izomar Limited, [1998]. – Bookjacket: Back: Ruslan A. Kobozev. Inthe Factory Canteen (detail) (1950s); Front: Georgi I. Rublev. A Factory PartyMeeting (detail) (1932); cover; frontispiece: Aleksandr M. Gerasimov. Portrait of the Artist’sWife (1929); title.  
R. Salys, J. Whiteley. Leonid Pasternak: The Russian Years, 1875 – 1921. A Critical Study and Catalogue. [2 vol.]. [USA], Oxford University Press, [1999] (Cover
И.И. Ващенко, Ю.А. Солодовников (пред., поясн.), Я.С. Алалыкина, С.М. Гонтарь, О.В. Загорная, С.Н. Пыхтина, Т.А. Сальникова, Ю.В. Костюков, Е.Г. Касавченко. Краснодарский краевой художественный музей им. Ф.А. Коваленко: Русское искусство первой трети ХХ века. Каталог. Самара, СамЛюксПринт, ККХМ им. Ф.А. Коваленко, 1 000 экз., 2011 (рус., анг.) (Krasnodar Art Museum: Art of Russia 1st third XXth Centure. Catalogue. Samara, 2011) (rus., eng.) 

Pasternac, L. №825. Returning home / Fine Arts : Department K // Catalogue of the Russian section : World’s Columbian Exposition : 1893 : Chicago. – S.-Petersburg, 1893, p.374. – CoverНКаразин; title. – Link. [[1893]]

Pasternak – Пастернак, Л.О. №191. A l’ouvrage – За работой (рисунок). №192. Téte – Головка (рисунок). №193. Une visite а́ la champagne – С визитом на даче // Каталог Выставки Картин, состоящей под Августейшим покровительством Ея Императорского Высочества Великой Княгини Елисаветы Федоровны. «Union Artistique Russie – France» [Союз художников Россия – Франция]. Москва, Кузнецкий мост, д. Джамгаровых, бывший Попова. М.; Поставщик Высочайшего Двора Т-во Скор. А.А. Левенсон. Москва, Петровка, д. №. 22; 1898, с.35

Catalogue Officiel illustré de L’Exposition Décennale des Beaux-Arts de 1889 à 1900 : Exposition Universelle de 1900 / éd.: Ludovic Baschet. – Paris ; impr. Lemercier & Cie, 1900. – Сouvert., p. de titre. – Liste des artistes RussesР. 320–325. – Illustrations d'artistes RussesР. 214–224. – Link. [[1900]]

Korowine Const., Kalmykoff Johann, Ryloff Arkadius, Purwit Wilhelm, Kustodieff Boris, Wrubel Michael, Golowine, Maison Mamontoff, Somoff Const., Roehrich Nicolas, Nesteroff, Pasternak Leonid, Aubert Arthur / Russische Künstler (p.282930) // Katalog der XII. Kunstausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession. [Wien, druck von Adolf Holzhausen, preis 60 heller, 1901], pp. 28-30 (Photo of the Russian Room at the Vienna Secessionists’ Exhibition from «The Studio». Vol.25. London, 1902, p.135) [[1901]]

Альбом художественных иллюстраций Л.О. Пастернака к роману Л.Н. Толстого «Воскресение» = Album. 33 illustrations par L. Pasternak. (Roman «Résurrection» par L. Tolstoy). Chtistchurch Hants (England), Свободное слово (Parole Libre) (№65), A. Tchertkoff, 1 руб. 50 коп., 1901 (Обл., спинка, форзац; Илл.: 1. Весна. 2. Тюремные надзиратель и надзирательница. 11. Священники едут служить обедню. 12. У заутрени. 13. Нехлюдов у окна девичьей. 14. Во время перерыва суда. 15. После приговора. 16. Закуска в доме Корчагиных. 17. Княгиня Софья Васильевна и лакей Филипп. 18. Возвращение Масловой после приговора. 19. Катюша бежит за поездом железной дороги. 20. Посетители у ворот тюрьмы. 21. Свидание с арестантами за решёткой. Мужская посетительская. 28. Вид Петропавловской крепости и Нева)

Modern Russian Art: Some Leading Painters of Moscow. By M.P. (pp. 216217218219220221) (K. Somoff. Portrait (p.222); Ill. in text: Rerich [Roerich]. Maison de Dieu; F. [sic; Igo Grabar. September Snow; S. Ivanoff. A Sixteenth-Century Muscovite Military Expedition; F. Maliavine. A Peasant Girl; A. Vasnetzoff. Place d’Ivan Veliki au Kremlin; K. Korovine. Portrait; K. Tuon [Yuon]. Vers Troitzy; L. Pastemak [Pasternak]. Portrait of a Child) // The Studio. Vol.31. London, 1904 (Ill.: Fritz Thaulow. Le Dégel (p.63). Bruno Liljefors. Sea Eagles (p.103))

Moscow. [Text about this year’s exhibition by the artists’ society known as the «Soyouz [of Russian Painters]»] (pp. 166167168169170) / Studio-Talk // The Studio. Vol.35. London, 1905, pp. 166 – 170 (Ill. in the text: S. Ivanoff. Maslannitza – Carnival in a Russian Street; R. Youon [sic, K. Yuon]. On the Bank; T. [sic, Ph.] Maliavine. Drawing. Peasant Girls; L. Pasternak. Portrait) (Ill.: V. Seroff. Drawing [Portrait of Belgian violinist Eugène Ysaye]. 1903 (p.165)) [[1905]]

P. Ettinger. The Drawings of L. Pasternak (pp.306307309310311313) // The Studio. Vol.37. London, 1906, pp. 306-313

P.E. [P. Ettinger]. Moscow. Studio-Talk [Text about Russian exhibitions], pp. 81-83 (pp.818283) (Ill. in the text: Ilya Repine. Portrait Study (p.82). Igor Grabar. Chrysanthemums (p.83). E. Lanseray. The Empress Elizabeth at Tzarskoye Selo (p.83)); Henry Frantz. The Exhibition of Russian Art in Paris, pp. 319-323 (pp.319320321322323) (Ill. in the text: A. Benois. Review of Troops in the Reign of Pail I (p.319). C. Somoff. In the Park (p.319). N. Röhrich. The Old Town (p.320). [C.] Korovine. The Log Hut (p.320). Constantin Bogaievsky. The Dead City (p.321). I. Grabar. Birch Tree (p.321). Prince P. Troubetzkoy. Model (p.322). P. [sic, Ph.] Malyavine. Peasant Women (p.322)) // The Studio. Vol.39. London, 1907

Ettinger, P. Moderne russische Malerei // Die Kunst für alle : Malerei, Plastik, Graphik, Architektur / herausg.: Fritz Schwartz. – München : Verlagsanstalt F. Bruckmann A.-G. ; Druck von A. Bruckmann (München), 1907 (15. März, H.12), S. 273–285. – Abb.: L. Bakst. [Zeichnung] (S.273). Antike Vision (S.277). Zeichnung (S.286). Bildnis der Gräfin Keller (S.291). Zeichnung (S.296). – W. Borissoff-Mussatoff. Requiem (S.273-1). – S. Iwanoff. Der Zar (S.274). – M. Wrubel. Die Schwanenprinzessin (S.275). Mikula Selianinovitsch (russische Legende) (S.281). Zwei Heilige (S.288). – I. Rjepin. Der Schriftsteller Garschin (S.276). Kleinrussische Volksszene (S.290). – K. Somoff. Zeichnung für einen Kalender (S.277). Der Spaziergang (S.285). Die Maske (S.286). – P. Troubetzkoi, Fürst. Kind mit Hund (S.278). Der Bildhauer August Rodin (S.295). – A. Benois. Das Bad der Marquise (S.279). – V. Sjeroff. Kinderbildnis (S.280–1–281). Graf Felix Sumarokoff-Elston (S.283). Bildnis (S.285). – K. Bogajewsky. Landschaft (S.280). – K. Juon. Während des Karnevals (S.281). – A. Riabuschkin. Der Tanz (S.282). In der Kirche (S.293). – F. Maljawin. Bäuerinnen (S.284). – K. Korowin. Die Wirtin (S.287). – S. Sudbinin. Kopf des Christus, der die Händler vertreibt (S.288). – M. Nesteroff. Einkleidung einer Nonne (S.289). – Appolinarius Wassnetzoff. Aus dem alten Moskau (S.290). – O. Braz. Bildnis (S.292). – S. Korowin. Wallfahrer (S.294). – L. Pasternak. Studie (S.296). – Link. [[1907]]

G. Bröchner. A Swedish Sportsman Painter: Bruno Liljefors (pp. 184-191) (pp.184185186187188189190191); P.E. [P. Ettinger]. Moscow. Studio-Talk (pp. 333-336) (pp.333334335336) // The Studio. Vol.43. London, MCMVIII [1908] (Ill. in the magazine: E.A. Hornel. Lace-Making in Ceylon (p.321); F. Brangwyn. Sketch for Panel at the Skinners’ Hall, London; B. Liljefors. The Marauder (p.185). Eagle-Owl (p.186). Cock and Hen (p.186). Blackcocks, Pairing Season (p.187). On the Alert (p.188). Reynard at Home (p.189). The Booty (p.190). Swans (p.190). The Hawk’s Nest (p.191). A Pair of Crows (p.191); L. Pasternak. Drawing (p.335). Alexandre Benois. Le Roi (p.336). V. Sérov. Portrait of Madame H. (p.336). S. Maliutin. The Country Fair (p.337))

A Chromo-Lithographic Portrait of Count Leo Tolstoi by Pasternak / Reviews and Notices // The Studio. Vol.45. London, MCMIX [1909], pp. 332-333

Russia // Catalogo della Mostra di Belle Arti : Esposizione Internazionale di Roma : [Roma ; Aprile 1911 – Gennaio 1912]. – Bergamo : Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1911, p. 277–299. – Copertina, pagina di titul. – Indice alfabetico degli artisti esponenti (p. 375–420), indice delle illustrazioni (p. 421–429), illustrazioni (p. [431]-I–CCLII). – Link. [[1911]]

Еврейские народные песни = Judische Volks-lieder [Jewish Folk Songs. 10 songs]. №21 (III). Moscow, P. Yurgenson [Jurgenso , c.1912 (Music for ten songs arrangement by Yuliy Engel'. Cover: Leo Pasternak)

[This year’s exhibition: «Soyouz» or Union, «Mir Isskusstva» (World of Art), «Peredvizhniki» (Itinerants)] (pp. 328-333) (pp. 328329330331333) (Ill.: L. Pasternak. Portrait of Emile Verhaeren (p.328). N. Bogdanoff-Bielski. The New Proprietors (p.329). A. Ryloff. Swans (p.330). D. Stelletsky. The Gate of Kroutitzy at Moscow (p.331)) // The Studio. Vol.61. London, MCMXIV [1914]

P.E. [P. Ettinger. The Exhibition group of artists «Mir Isskousstva» (World of Art) in the Lemercier Gallery (Moscow)] (pp. 58-60) (pp.585960) (Ill.: K. Somoff. Portrait of Mme. Karysheff (p.57). Portrait Study (p.58). L. Pasternak. The American Tragedian Oldridge and Taras Shevchenko, the Poet of the Ukraine (p.59)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. The Exhibition of Moscow Society of Artists] (pp. 141-142) (Ill.: F. Zakharoff. Portrait of Madame F. (p.140). J. Chapchal [Я.Ф. Шапшал]. The Manufactory (p.141). S. Noakowski. The Cathedral of Rheims (p.142)) // The Studio. Vol.65. London, MCMXV [1915] (Ill. in the Magazine: William Orpen. Miss Lily Carstairs; Vladimir Polunin. Painted Wooden Toys; Charles W. Simpson. Against the Wind; Oswald Birley. An Interior at James Pryde’s; E. Carter Preston. The Grand Duke Nicholas; Lorna Adamson. Anna Pavlova in the Swan Dance)

[Real artistic merits of Russian posters] (pp. 60-65) (pp. 6061636465) (Ill.: S. Vinogradoff. A Russian War Fund Poster (p.61). L. Pasternak. Drawing for a War Fund (p.63)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. About Exhibition of Anna Golubkina] (pp. 140145-146) (Ill.: Portrait Bust of M. Remezoff (p.140). Two Heads (p.145)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. Recent annual exhibition of the Union of Russian Artists of «Soyouz»] (pp. 212-214) (pp. 212213214) (Ill.: S. Malyutin. Portrait of the Painter Konstantin Yuon (p.212). K. Yuon. Reception of the Czar Michael Fedorovitch on the Way to Moscow. The Eve of the Coronation of Czar Michael Fedorovitch Romanoff at the Kremlin, Moscow (p.213). F. Zakharoff. Self-Portrait (p.214). S. Vinogradoff. In a Country House: Spring-Time (p.214)) // The Studio. Vol.64. London, MCMXV [1915] (Ill. in the Magazine: Leonard Campbell Taylor. Chess; Alfred Hartley. In the ForestSilvery Nicht; Sibyl Meugens. «The Green Jar» and «Shadows»; Walter Sickert. Venice)

P.E. [P. Ettinger]. [The Exhibitions of Union of Russian Artists or «Soyouz», «Mir Iskustva» (World of Art)] / Moscow. Studio-Talk (pp. 73-75) (pp.737475) (Ill.: S. Chekhonin. Enamel Miniatures (p.73). L. Pasternak. Portrait of V. Maklakoff (p.74). N. Krymoff. Summer Morning (p.75). K. Yuon. On the River Oka (p.75). N. Ulianoff. Portrait of Baroness Knop (p.76)) // The Studio. Vol.71. London, MCMXVII [1917] (Ill. in the Magazine: Maurice Greiffenhagen. The Restoration of Alsace-Lorraine to France; J. McNeill Whistler. Rose and Pink – The Mother’s Siesta; Joseph E. Southall. A Bucket of Salt WaterThe Beach)

Ch.N. Bialik, M. Osborn. L. Pasternak: his life and work. Warsaw (Berlin Branch), The Stybel Publishing House, 500 copies, 1924 (Hebrew. Title: Hebrew, Eng.; captions: Hebrew, Eng., Rus.) (Cover, title; Ill.: Portrait of Mrs. Stybel (Oil). – From the coll. of A. Stybel, Copenhagen; Autoportrait; Moscow seen from the mountain Worobioff. Pastel from the coll. of Mr. Lilienthal, Berlin)

Pasternak, Leonid. №587. View of Moscow I. №588. View of Moscow II // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. New York, Grand Central Palace, 1924

Pasternak, Leonid. №927. Congratulations. №928. Count Leon Tolstoy and his Family. №928a. Count Leon Tolstoy Reading. №929. Portrait of Count Leon Tolstoy. №930. An Artists` Party at C. Korovin’s. №931. On the Terrace. №932. Composer S. Rachmaninoff. №933. Portrait of N. Sokoloff. №№ 934, 949. Poet Bialik. №935. Poet Schneur. №936. Writer D. Frischman. №937. Portrait of I. Mase. №938. Writer S. An-sky. №939. Writer M. Herschenson. №940. Portrait of the Composer J. Engel. №941. «Musicians». №№ 942, 957. A Head of an Old Man. №943. An Old Man. №944. Count Leon Tolstoy at Work. №945. S. Rachmaninoff Playing. №946. Poet Bialik and Writer D. Frischman. №947. Writer D. Frischman at Work. №948. Nursing. №950. Poet Chernikhovsky. №951. Writer and Philosopher L. Shestoff. №952. Writer A. Remisoff. №953. Poet Boris Pasternak. №954. S. Rachmaninoff and the Cellist Brandukoff. №955. Pianist Joseph Hoffman. №956. Composer M. Gnessin. №958. Two Women’s Heads. №959. The Philosopher G. Kogen and his Disciples. №960. Fedor Shaliapin. (Study for a Picture). №961. Portrait of the Artist. №962. Sisters. №963. Grandmother. №964. Dyeing Easter Eggs. №965. Gordon Craig at Work. №966. Arthur Nikisch. №967. Count Leon Tolstoy. №968. Beethoven (lithograph). №969. Emil Verharen (lithograph). №970. Poet Chernikhovsky / Supplement to the Catalogue of the Russian Art Exhibition // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. New York, Grand Central Palace, 1924

Memorial Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945. [April 1958. A catalogue listing 115 paintings or drawings]. Oxford, University Press, Ashmolean Museum, Department of Fine Art, 1958 (Introd. by Cecil Maurice Bowra)

Josephine Pasternak. Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945 (Exhibit: 20 March – 30 May 1969, Ely House). [Catalogue]. London, Oxford University Press, 1969

L.O. Pasternak // Russische Graphik des 20. Jahrhunderts. 100 Bildtafeln. Insel-Verlag. Leipzig, 1970

Guy de Mallac. A Russian Impressionist: Leonid Osipovich Pasternak, 1862 – 1945 // California Slavic Studies. Vol.10. Los Angeles, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1977, p.87 – 120

Leonid Pasternak, 1862 – 1945. [Exhibition, 28 January – 25 February 1978. Catalogue]. [United Kingdom], Crawford Centre for the Arts University of St Andrews (Scotland), 1978 (Preface by John Steer, introduct. by Larissa Salmina-Haskell, biopic by Jennifer Bradshaw) (Cover)

Luba Gurdus. The Forgotten Friendship: L.O. Pasternak and A.J. Stybel // The First Jewish Art Annual. N.Y., 1980, p.38 – 45

A Russian Impressionist: Paintings and Drawings by Leonid Pasternak, 1890 – 1945. Washington, D.C., SITES (Smithsonian Institution Travelling Exhibition Sevice), 1987 (ed. by David Andrews) (Cover)

Bown, M.C. A Dictionary of Twentieth Century Russian And Soviet Painters : 1900–1980s. – London : Izomar Limited, [1998]. – Bookjacket: Back: Ruslan A. Kobozev. Inthe Factory Canteen (detail) (1950s); Front: Georgi I. Rublev. A Factory PartyMeeting (detail) (1932); cover; frontispiece: Aleksandr M. Gerasimov. Portrait of the Artist’sWife (1929); title. [[1998]]

R. Salys, J. Whiteley. Leonid Pasternak: The Russian Years, 1875 – 1921. A Critical Study and Catalogue. [2 vol.]. [USA], Oxford University Press, [1999] (Cover)

И.И. Ващенко, Ю.А. Солодовников (пред., поясн.), Я.С. Алалыкина, С.М. Гонтарь, О.В. Загорная, С.Н. Пыхтина, Т.А. Сальникова, Ю.В. Костюков, Е.Г. Касавченко. Краснодарский краевой художественный музей им. Ф.А. Коваленко: Русское искусство первой трети ХХ века. Каталог. Самара, СамЛюксПринт, ККХМ им. Ф.А. Коваленко, 1 000 экз., 2011 (рус., анг.) (Krasnodar Art Museum: Art of Russia 1st third XXth Centure. Catalogue. Samara, 2011) (rus., eng.)

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