Ostroumova-Lebedeva, A.P.
OSTROUMOVA-LEBEDEVA (Ostroumowa-Lebedewa), ANNA PETROVNA (1871 – 1955)
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Anna Ostroumova-Lebedeva in Exhibition Bookplates and Printer`s Marks by Artist of the World of Art Association [Mir Iskusstva] in Print Department Collections in The National Library of Russia (NLR, St Petersburg) // www.nlr.ru
Editions of St. Eugenia’s Community. Exhibition. 11 December 2008 – 15 March 2009. Stroganov Palace (The State Russian Museum (St Petersburg)) // www.rusmuseum.ru
A.P. Ostroumova-Lebedeva by Vladimir Adariukov. Moscow, Dom Pechati, [1922?]. First Edition // Russian Art and Books // www.russianartandbooks.com
Art Signature Dictionary of artists signatures, biographies, auction results & fakes // Holmberg & Co Marknadsplanering AB, Sweden // www.artsignaturedictionary.com
Ostroumova-Lebedeva A.P., (1871 – 1955), Artist // The Encyclopaedia of St Petersburg // www.encspb.ru
Database: Anna Ostroumova-Lebedeva / The Athenaeum // www.the-athenaeum.org
Moscow. [Text about this year’s exhibition by the artists’ society known as the «Soyouz [of Russian Painters]»] (pp. 166, 167, 168, 169, 170) / Studio-Talk // The Studio. Vol.35. London, 1905, pp. 166 – 170 (Ill. in the text: S. Ivanoff. Maslannitza – Carnival in a Russian Street; R. Youon [sic, K. Yuo . On the Bank; T. [sic, Ph.] Maliavine. Drawing. Peasant Girls; L. Pasternak. Portrait) (Ill.: V. Seroff. Drawing [Portrait of Belgian violinist Eugène Ysaye]. 1903 (p.165))
Alexandre, Arsène. L’Exposition Russe // Le Figaro. №288. Paris, 15 Octobre 1906, p.5
Russia // Catalogo della Mostra di Belle Arti : Esposizione Internazionale di Roma : [Roma ; Aprile 1911 – Gennaio 1912]. – Bergamo : Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1911, p. 277–299. – Copertina, pagina di titul. – Indice alfabetico degli artisti esponenti (p. 375–420), indice delle illustrazioni (p. 421–429), illustrazioni (p. [431]-I–CCLII). – Link.
P.E. [P. Ettinge . [About exhibitions «Mir Isskousstva» (The World of Art), «Soyouz», «Bubnovy Valet» (Knave of Diamonds)] (pp. 75-80) (pp.75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80) (Ill.: V. Séroff. Portrait of the Countess Orloff (p.76). Portrait of Mons. A. Stachovitch (p.77). C. Goldinger. Self-Portrait (p.78). K. Yuon. Moscow (p.79). L. Turjansky. Autumn Sun (p.79). F. Malyavine. A Russian Peasant Woman (p.80). G. Lukomski. Types of Russian Architecture) // The Studio. Vol.56. London, MCMXII [1912] (Cover, title) (Ill. in the Magazine: Courtenay Pollock. Bust of the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain (p.133); Gerda Wegener. The Three Graces; Sebastian Lucius. Companions of Sleep (p.238); Fernand Maillaud. L’Imbécile du Village (p.274))
Alexander Benois und Ssergej Ernst. Ostroumowa-Lebedewa: [Avec 22 planches en couleur und Oeuvre-Katalog]. Moskau-Leningrad; Staatsverlag – Государственная тип. им. Ив. Фёдорова. Ленинград, Звенигородская, 11; 1 000 экз., [1924] (Couverture, page de titre; Ill.: Venise. Jour gris. Le Grand canal (1911); LuganoS?govie. Aqueduc (1914); Carcassonne. Tuiles des tours (1914); Pétersbourg. Place Souvorof (1918); Poteaux rouge (1918); Pont de Nouvelle Silvis (1921); La lune (1900); Jardin d’été (1902); Canal Ecath?rininski (1910); «Les Agrès» (1917); Banc au jardin de Tzarskojé S?lo (1904); Jardinet en hiver (1906); N?va à travers les colonnes de la Bourse (1908); Punkaharju. Finlande (1908); Esquisse au fusain (1913); Carcassone. Le soir (1914); Bibi-Eybatt. Bakou (1915); Vue perspective de l’ile Vasiljewsky (1916); Pétersbourg. «Le lion et la forteresse» (1901); Fi?solé (1904)) (fr., allemand)
Ostroumova-Lebedeva, Anna. №554. San Giminiano. №555. School of Peter the Great in Petrograd. №556. Red Posts, Petrograd. №557. The Breaking of Ice on the Neva, Petrograd. №558. Fog on the Neva, Petrograd. №559. Easter Night, Isaac`s Cathedral, Petrograd; Wood Engravings: №560. Villa Borghese. №561. Moon. №562. Crimea, Decorative Landscape. №563. Catherine Canal, Petrograd. №564. Kriukov Canal, Petrograd. №565. Perspective of the Neva, Petrograd. №566. View on the Neva through the columns of the Exchange, Petrograd. №567. Rostral Column and the Exchange, Petrograd. №568. Column of the Exchange and Fortress of Peter and Paul, Petrograd. №569. Rostral Column, Petrograd. №570. Senate Building, snow covered. №571. Mining Institute Building, Petrograd. №572. A Barge and the Fortress of Peter and Paul, Petrograd. №573. Summer Garden, Petrograd. №574. The Moika River at Night, Petrograd. №575. Venice. №576. Study of a Model. №577. Night in Venice. №578. Cypresses in Crimea. №579. Finland. №580. Pathways. №581. Ship Lines. №582. Avenue in St. Cloud. №583. Monument of Paul I. №584. Perspective of Tzarskoye-Selo. №585. Perseus and Andromeda. After Rubens; Lithographs: №586. 12 Views of Petrograd. Coloured by the Artist // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. New York, Grand Central Palace, 1924
Ostr[o]umova-Lebedeva A. №369. Palazzo di Biron. №370. Vele. №371. Versailles. №372. Giardino d’estate. №373. Monumento a Paolo I. №374. Motivo primaverile. №375. Fiesole. №376. Canale di Leningrado. №377. Prospettiva del fiume Neva. №378. Colonna e forsa in Leningrado / Padiglione dell’ U. R. S. S. Supplemento al catalogo ufficiale illustrato // XIV’a Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte Della Citta di Venezia. 1924. Catalogo. Quarta edizione. Venezia, MCMXXIV, р.22
[Der 4] Internationale buchkunst austellung. Amtlicher catalog. Leipzig, Insel-Verlag, 1927 (Umschlag, titelblatt, Ill.: Andrei Gontscharoff; D.P. Sterenberg; Wladimir Favorskij; Alexander Tychler; El Lissitzky; Jouri Pimianow; Nicolaus Piskarew; Pierre Noury; Karl Walser; Maurice Utrillo; Eugen Spiro; Marcus Collin; Th. Kittelsen; Anselmo Bucci; Zygmut Kaminski; Wladyslaw Skoczylas; Antonello Moroni; Frans Masereel; Fernand Siméon; André Lhote; Richard Seewald; Hedwig Kruse; Jan Toorop; André Dunoyer de Ségonzac; J.L. Laboureur; Jean Cocteau; E.R. Weiß; Jozef Cantré; Frans Masereel; Ludwig von Hofmann; Leopold Graf von Kalckreuth; Alfred Kubin; Emil Orlik; Käthe Kollwitz; Jules Perrichon; Raymond Thiollière; Bruno Bramanti; A. De Carolis; Fröydis Haavardsholm; Ervin Lang; Zygmunt Kaminski; Ludwig Kozma; Walter Klemm; Percy Smith; G.A. Mathéy) (Liste der Künstler)
Christian Brinton (foreword), P. Novitsky (introduction). Exhibition of contemporary art of Soviet Russia: painting, graphic, sculpture. Grand Central Palace, New York, February, 1929. [New York], Amtorg Trading Corporation, 1929
Anna Ostroumova-Lebedeva. Postcards [«Blockade Leningrad»]. Leningrad, 50 kopecks, 1943
A.P. Ostroumowa-Lebedewa // Russische Graphik des 20. Jahrhunderts. 100 Bildtafeln. Leipzig, Insel-Verlag, 1970
Bown, M.C. A Dictionary of Twentieth Century Russian And Soviet Painters : 1900–1980s. – London : Izomar Limited, [1998]. – Bookjacket: Back: Ruslan A. Kobozev. Inthe Factory Canteen (detail) (1950s); Front: Georgi I. Rublev. A Factory PartyMeeting (detail) (1932); cover; frontispiece: Aleksandr M. Gerasimov. Portrait of the Artist’sWife (1929); title.
Государственный Русский музей. Отчёт за 2001 год. Альманах. Вып.21. СПб., Palace Editions, 2002 – The State Russian Museum. Annual Report 2001. Almanac, Edn.21. St Petersburg, Palace Editions, 2002
Н. Попова (вст. ст.). Анна Ахматова и её современники: На фоне Петербурга – Ленинграда. Альбом избранных произведений графики Музея Анны Ахматовой в Фонтанном Доме [СПб.]. М., ООО «МТН клуб»; тип. ОАО «Иван Фёдоров», 191119, СПб., ул. Звенигородская, 11; 3 000 экз., 2003 (рус., анг.) (Anna Akhmatova and Her Contemporaries: Against the Background of Petersburg – Leningrad. An Album of Selected Works of Graphic Art from the Museum of Anna Akhmatova in the Fountain House [in the St Petersburg]. Introduction by Nina Popova. Moscow, 2003) (rus., eng.)
В.Б. Загорский (общ. ред.). Почтовые карточки СССР 1938 – 1953. Справочник цен. Вып.1. СПб., Стандарт-Коллекция, 1 000 экз., 2006 (V. Zagorsky (editor). Postcards of the USSR 1938 – 1953. Price digest. Saint Petersburg, Standart-Collection, 2006)
И.И. Ващенко, Ю.А. Солодовников (пред., поясн.), Я.С. Алалыкина, С.М. Гонтарь, О.В. Загорная, С.Н. Пыхтина, Т.А. Сальникова, Ю.В. Костюков, Е.Г. Касавченко (авт.-сост.). Краснодарский краевой художественный музей им. Ф.А. Коваленко: Русское искусство первой трети ХХ века. Каталог. Самара, СамЛюксПринт, ККХМ им. Ф.А. Коваленко, 1 000 экз., 2011 (рус., анг.) (Krasnodar Art Museum: Art of Russia 1st third XXth Centure. Catalogue. Samara, 2011) (rus., eng.)
Grafiek en Boekkunst uit de Sovjet-Unie. Tentoonstelling Stedelijk Museum. Amsterdam, 21.4 – 13.5.[19]29. [Amsterdam], Genootschap Nederland Nieuwrusland (Boekomslag, Ill.: A. Dejneka. Uit «Eerste Mei», kinderboek; Demonstratie; Ssolowejtschik. Uit het album «Revolutiejaren»; J. Pimenoff. Teekening; W. Lebedew. Uit «Ijswafels», kinderboek)
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Belitsky, I.S.
Benois, A.N.
Benois, Alb.N.
Bilibin I.Ya.
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Gerasimov, S.V.
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Gorokhova, M.A.
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Grigoriev, B.D.
Grigoriev, N.M.
Gritsai, A.M.
Grokholskaya, M.I.
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Korovine, C.A.
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Kostrova, A.A.
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Krestovsky, Ya.I.
Krshizhanovsky, Ye.I.
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Krymov, N.P.
Ksidias, P.S.
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Kulbin, N.I.
Kuprin, A.V.
Kurdov, V.I.
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Kustodiev, B.M.
Kuznetsov, P.V.
Labas, A.A.
Ladyzhensky, G.A.
Laktionov, A.I.
Lansere, Ye.Ye.
Lapshin, N.F.
Larionov, M.F.
Le-Dantu (Ledantu), M.V.
Lebedev, V.V.
Lebedeva, S.D.
Lentulov, A.V.
Leporskaya, A.A.
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Levitin, A.A.
Levitin, A.P.
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Los, Ye.G.
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Maliavine, Ph.A.
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