Russian and Soviet Fine Art Gallery of the XX Century
Popova, L.S.
POPOVA, LYUBOV (Ljubov) SERGEVNA (1889  1924)


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Museums, Libraries & Archives
Gallica, bibliothéque numérique / Bibliothéque nationale de France (BnF, Paris) //   
Popova, Lyubov Sergeyevna. 1889 – 1924 / The State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow) // 
Lyubov Popova. HousesFuturistic Portrait / The Karakalpakstan State Museum of Art named after I.V. Savitsky (Nukus, Uzbekistan) // 
Katia Baudin. Der Kubofuturismus und der Aufbruch der Moderne in Russland // Museum Ludwig //  
Russian Avant-Gardes. Exhibition. February – May 2006 // Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza (Madrid, España) //  
Liubov Popova. Ivanovskoie, 1889 – Moscow, 1924. Biography and Works // Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza (Madrid, España)|| 
Popova Liubov in the State Museum of Contemporary Art (Thessaloniki, Greece) [from The Costakis Collection consists of 1275 works] //   
Lioubov Popova. 1889 – 1924 (Russia). No Title / Jfr.: Ryskt avantgarde – ur George Costakis samling, Moderna Museets utställningskatalog 183, Stockholm 1983, s. 42-51, s. 313 // Moderna Museet (Stockholm) // 
Popova, Lyubov. Birsk Landscape. c.1916. Oil on canvas, 65 by 91 cm. / MacDougall Auctions (London), 15 June 2007, lot 48, est. 500 000 – 700 000 GBP. Authenticity certificate from Professor Dm. Sarabianov and Andrey Sarabianov // 
Popova, Lyubov. Female Nude. Watercolour and pencil on paper, 35 by 20.5 cm. / MacDougall Auctions (London), 2 – 3 December 2009, lot 382, est. 25 000 – 30 000 GBP. Previously coll. of Lothar Bolz // 
World Artists Kazimir Malevich, Liubov Popova, Olga Rozanova in a History of American Art [si // Web site of Michael E. Grost //  
Auctions & Galleries
Liubov Popova // ArtFira.Com (NY) //  
Database: Liubov Popova / The Athenaeum //


[L.] Popowa. 151. Komposition. 152. Fabrige Konstruktion. 153. Violinen. 154. Portrait. Gemälde: 440, 443. Komposition, A. 441. Komposition, G. 442. Landschft, A // A. Holitscher, Dr. Redslob, David Shterenberg (die vorworte). Erste Russische Kunstausstellung. Berlin 1922. Galerie Van Diemen & Co. Gemalde neuer meister. Unter den Linden 21. [Verzeichnis]. Verlag: Internationale Arbeiterhilfe. Berlin W8, Unter den Linden 11, 1922, p.20, 26 (Einband, titel)  
Popowa Liuboff. №№ 131 – 134. Suprematismo. №388. Schizzo / Padiglione dell’ U. R. S. S. Supplemento al catalogo ufficiale illustrato // XIV’a Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte Della Citta di Venezia. 1924. Catalogo. Quarta edizione. Venezia, MCMXXIV, p.13, 22 
Каталог посмертной выставки художника[-]конструктора Л.С. Поповой. М., Комиссия по увековечению памяти художника-конструктора Л.С. Поповой; Тип. «ВХУТЕМАС». Москва, Рождественка, 11; 1 000 экз., 1924 (Обл.: А. Родченко; тит.; Илл.: Портрет философа (1915). Рельеф об’емно-пространственный (1915). Пространственно-силовое построение (1921). Фото-монтаж к постановке «Земля Дыбом» (1923). Проект рисунка для ткани)  
Catalogue du Salon International du Livre d'Art, Sections Étrangères. Petit Palais des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris, 20 mai – 15 août 1931. Préface d'André Suarès, présentation de Clément-Janin. Paris, 5 000 exemplaires, 1931 
Camilla Gray. The Great Experiment: Russian Art 1863 – 1932. New York, 1962 
Russian Art of the Revolution. NY., Onondaga Printing Inc., 1970 
Lyubov Popova. Ivan Klyun. Catalog. The exhibition from the collections of George Costakis and Dmitry Sarabyanov at the Institute of Atomic Energy named after Kurchatov. Moscow, June 1972. [Typing in Russia / The State Museum of Contemporary Art (Thessaloniki, Greece)  //  
Russian Avant-Garde Art. The George Costakis Collection. Introduction by S. Frederick Starr, Chronology by John E. Bowlt. New York, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1981 
Dmitri V. Sarabianov, Natalia L. Adaskina. Liubov Popova [Her life and work. An album]. New York, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, Printed and bound in Italy, 1990 (eng.) (433 illustrations, including 133 plates in full color) (Jacket front: After Work Uniform Design for Actor №7, in «The Magnanimous Cuckold» (1921); title; Ill.: View from My Window onto Houses (Вид из моего окна на дома из квартиры. Мытнинская наб. 1906, Costakis Collection, Athens). Male Models (1911, private collection). Portrait of a Lady (1915, Ludwig Museum, Cologne). Plate from 6 Prints(1917). Cover sketch for the «5x 5 = 25» exhibition catalogue (1921, Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow). Poster sketch (1922 – 23, Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow, gift of George Costakis). Design for a suit (1923 – 24, private collection). Design for a child’s dress (1923 – 24, Tretiakov Gallery, gift of George Costakis). Textile design (1923 – 24, Museum of Decorative and Applied Art, Moscow). Textile designs (1923 – 24). Three textile designs (1923 – 24, Museum of Decorative and Applied Art, Moscow). Self-Portrait (1910s, collection Mr and Mrs Lobanov-Rostovsky, London)  
Bown, M.C. A Dictionary of Twentieth Century Russian And Soviet Painters : 1900–1980s. – London : Izomar Limited, [1998]. – Bookjacket: Back: Ruslan A. Kobozev. Inthe Factory Canteen (detail) (1950s); Front: Georgi I. Rublev. A Factory PartyMeeting (detail) (1932); cover; frontispiece: Aleksandr M. Gerasimov. Portrait of the Artist’sWife (1929); title.  
Amazons of the Avant-Garde: Alexandra Exter, Natalia Goncharova, Liubov Popova, Olga Rozanova, Varvara Stepanova, and Nadezhda Udaltsova. Exhibition catalogue. London, Royal Academy of Arts, 1999 
John E. Bowlt, Matthew Drutt. Amazons of the avant-garde: Alexandra Exter, Natalia Goncharova, Liubov Popova, Olga Rozanova, Varvara Stepanova and Nadezhda Udaltsova. Guggenheim Museum, 2000 
Burini, S. La partecipazione degli artisti russi e sovietici all’Esposizione Internazionale d’arte della città di Venezia dal 1895 al 1945. [2010] 
И.И. Ващенко, Ю.А. Солодовников (пред., поясн.), Я.С. Алалыкина, С.М. Гонтарь, О.В. Загорная, С.Н. Пыхтина, Т.А. Сальникова, Ю.В. Костюков, Е.Г. Касавченко (авт.-сост.). Краснодарский краевой художественный музей им. Ф.А. Коваленко: Русское искусство первой трети ХХ века. Каталог. Самара, СамЛюксПринт, ККХМ им. Ф.А. Коваленко, 1 000 экз., 2011 (рус., анг.) (Krasnodar Art Museum: Art of Russia 1st third XXth Centure. Catalogue. Samara, 2011) (rus., eng.)
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