Russian and Soviet Fine Art Gallery of the XX Century
Kardovsky, D.N.


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D. Kardowsky. Plauderei // Jugend. Nr.50. München, Knorr & Hirth, 10 Dezember 1900, p.827 
Dmitry N. Kardovsky. Postcards. Russia – USSR. 1910s – 1930s  
Russia // Catalogo della Mostra di Belle Arti : Esposizione Internazionale di Roma : [Roma ; Aprile 1911 – Gennaio 1912]. – Bergamo : Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1911, p. 277–299. – Copertina, pagina di titul. – Indice alfabetico degli artisti esponenti (p. 375–420), indice delle illustrazioni (p. 421–429), illustrazioni (p. [431]-I–CCLII). – Link.  
P.E. [P. Ettinge . [Exhibitions of the «Mir Isskousstva», «Soyouz»] (pp. 78-81) (pp.78798081) (Ill.: A. Vasnetzsoff. Carved Sideboard (p.78). A.P. Riabushkin. The Tea-Party (p.78). A. Ryloff. Before the Storm (p.79). D. Kordovski [Kardovsky]. Lithographic Illustration to Gogol’s «Nevski Prospect» (p.80)); M.I. [The Exhibition in the St. Petersburg’s Imperial Academy of Ar (p.81) // The Studio. Vol.59. London, MCMXIII [1913] (Ill. in the Magazine: Moffat Linder [Lindne . Blue and Gold; Alfred Pöll. Evening on Lake Karer; G. Kossiakoff. WatercolorsThe Court of the Mosque of Sultan Bayazet; Patrick W. Adam. An Interior at Hove
Kardovski, Dmitri. №297. Waiting for the Ferry. №298. The Battle of Poltava. (Sketch for a Picture on the same subject in the School of Peter the Great in Petrograd). №299. Peter the Great and His First Recruits // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. Grand Central Palace, New York. 1924 
Christian Brinton (foreword),  P. Novitsky (introduction). Exhibition of contemporary art of Soviet Russia: painting, graphic, sculpture. Grand Central Palace, New York, February, 1929. [New York], Amtorg Trading Corporation, 1929 
Bown, M.C. A Dictionary of Twentieth Century Russian And Soviet Painters : 1900–1980s. – London : Izomar Limited, [1998]. – Bookjacket: Back: Ruslan A. Kobozev. Inthe Factory Canteen (detail) (1950s); Front: Georgi I. Rublev. A Factory PartyMeeting (detail) (1932); cover; frontispiece: Aleksandr M. Gerasimov. Portrait of the Artist’sWife (1929); title.  
Wystawa grafiki, akwarel i rysunków artyst?w Zwi?zku Radzieckiego. Lipiec 1946. Warszawa, Muzeum Narodowe; Drukarnia W?adys?awy Brasse. Warszawa, Miedziana, 8. B-08702; 1946 [Выставка графики, акварели и рисунка советских художников. Варшава, Народный Музей, 1946] (Ok?adka (Gra?yna), ok?adka (do utworow Mickiewicza): G. Eczeistow; przed tytu?em: A. Krawczenko. Kreml; tytu?; Ilustr.: G. Eczeistow. WinietaWinietaIlustr. do Mickiewicza; A. Gonczarow. Winieta; F. Konstantynow. Mcyri (ok?adka do poematu M. Lermontowa). Zbrodnia i kara (ilustr. do powiesci Dostojewskiego); Z. Kirpiczew. Oswobodzenie Wiednia; A. Krawczenko. Wij (ilustr. do powiesci M. Gogola); Kukryniksy. Martwe dusze (ilustr. do powiesci M. Gogola); W. Kibrik. Zaczarowana dusza (ilustr. do powiesci R. Rollanda))
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