Russian and Soviet Fine Art Gallery of the XX Century
Yuon, K.F.
YUON (Iuon, Juon), КОNSTANTIN FEDOROVICH (12(24).10.1875  11.04.1958)


Mixed media on cardboard. 49 x 34 cm.

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Moscow. [Text about this year’s exhibition by the artists’ society known as the «Soyouz [of Russian Painters]»] (pp. 166167168169170) / Studio-Talk // The Studio. Vol.35. London, 1905, pp. 166 – 170 (Ill. in the text: S. Ivanoff. Maslannitza – Carnival in a Russian Street; R. Youon [sic, K. Yuo . On the Bank; T. [sic, Ph.] Maliavine. Drawing. Peasant Girls; L. Pasternak. Portrait) (Ill.: V. Seroff. Drawing [Portrait of Belgian violinist Eugène Ysaye]. 1903 (p.165))  
Alexandre, Arsène. L’Exposition Russe // Le Figaro. №288. Paris, 15 Octobre 1906, p.5 
Ettinger, P. Moderne russische Malerei // Die Kunst für alle : Malerei, Plastik, Graphik, Architektur / herausg.: Fritz Schwartz. – München : Verlagsanstalt F. Bruckmann A.-G. ; Druck von A. Bruckmann (München), 1907 (15. März, H.12), S. 273–285. – Abb.: L. Bakst. [Zeichnung] (S.273). Antike Vision (S.277). Zeichnung (S.286). Bildnis der Gräfin Keller (S.291). Zeichnung (S.296). – W. Borissoff-Mussatoff. Requiem (S.273-1). – S. Iwanoff. Der Zar (S.274). – M. Wrubel. Die Schwanenprinzessin (S.275). Mikula Selianinovitsch (russische Legende) (S.281). Zwei Heilige (S.288). – I. Rjepin. Der Schriftsteller Garschin (S.276). Kleinrussische Volksszene (S.290). – K. Somoff. Zeichnung für einen Kalender (S.277). Der Spaziergang (S.285). Die Maske (S.286). – P. Troubetzkoi, Fürst. Kind mit Hund (S.278). Der Bildhauer August Rodin (S.295). – A. Benois. Das Bad der Marquise (S.279). – V. Sjeroff. Kinderbildnis (S.280–1–281). Graf Felix Sumarokoff-Elston (S.283). Bildnis (S.285). – K. Bogajewsky. Landschaft (S.280). – K. Juon. Während des Karnevals (S.281). – A. Riabuschkin. Der Tanz (S.282). In der Kirche (S.293). – F. Maljawin. Bäuerinnen (S.284). – K. Korowin. Die Wirtin (S.287). – S. Sudbinin. Kopf des Christus, der die Händler vertreibt (S.288). – M. Nesteroff. Einkleidung einer Nonne (S.289). – Appolinarius Wassnetzoff. Aus dem alten Moskau (S.290). – O. Braz. Bildnis (S.292). – S. Korowin. Wallfahrer (S.294). – L. Pasternak. Studie (S.296). – Link.  
Russia // Catalogo della Mostra di Belle Arti : Esposizione Internazionale di Roma : [Roma ; Aprile 1911 – Gennaio 1912]. – Bergamo : Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1911, p. 277–299. – Copertina, pagina di titul. – Indice alfabetico degli artisti esponenti (p. 375–420), indice delle illustrazioni (p. 421–429), illustrazioni (p. [431]-I–CCLII). – Link.  
P.E. [P. Ettinge . [About exhibitions «Mir Isskousstva» (The World of Art), «Soyouz», «Bubnovy Valet» (Knave of Diamonds)] (pp. 75-80) (pp.757677787980) (Ill.: V. Séroff. Portrait of the Countess Orloff (p.76). Portrait of Mons. A. Stachovitch (p.77). C. Goldinger. Self-Portrait (p.78). K. Yuon. Moscow (p.79). L. Turjansky. Autumn Sun (p.79). F. Malyavine. A Russian Peasant Woman (p.80). G. Lukomski. Types of Russian Architecture) // The Studio. Vol.56. London, MCMXII [1912] (Covertitle) (Ill. in the Magazine: Courtenay Pollock. Bust of the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain (p.133); Gerda Wegener. The Three Graces; Sebastian Lucius. Companions of Sleep (p.238); Fernand Maillaud. L’Imbécile du Village (p.274)) 
Valérien Svetloff [Ivtchenko, Valerian Iakovlevitch]. Les Peintres Décorateurs Russes [Bakst, Alexandre Benois, Rœrich, Juon et Fedorovsky, Soudeikine; [p.14151617]] / Supplément Artistique édité par Comœdia Illustré en l’honneur de la Huitieme Saison des Ballets Russes dirigée par Serge de Diaghilew // Comœdia Illustré. Nr.16. Paris; France et Colonies: 1 fr., Étranger: 1 fr. 25; 20 Mai 1913, supplement, [pp.14 – 17] 
[Real artistic merits of Russian posters] (pp. 60-65) (pp. 6061636465) (Ill.: S. Vinogradoff. A Russian War Fund Poster (p.61). L. Pasternak. Drawing for a War Fund (p.63)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. About Exhibition of Anna Golubkina] (pp. 140145-146) (Ill.: Portrait Bust of M. Remezoff (p.140). Two Heads (p.145)); P.E. [P. Ettinger. Recent annual exhibition of the Union of Russian Artists of «Soyouz»] (pp. 212-214) (pp. 212213214) (Ill.: S. Malyutin. Portrait of the Painter Konstantin Yuon (p.212). K. Yuon. Reception of the Czar Michael Fedorovitch on the Way to Moscow. The Eve of the Coronation of Czar Michael Fedorovitch Romanoff at the Kremlin, Moscow (p.213). F. Zakharoff. Self-Portrait (p.214). S. Vinogradoff. In a Country House: Spring-Time (p.214)) // The Studio. Vol.64. London, MCMXV [1915] (Ill. in the Magazine: Leonard Campbell Taylor. Chess; Alfred Hartley. In the ForestSilvery Nicht; Sibyl Meugens. «The Green Jar» and «Shadows»; Walter Sickert. Venice
[The etching of Vladimir Poluni (pp. 126-129) (pp. 126127129); [Book Review of «Paris on the Eve of the War» by Elisaveta Kruglikova] (pp. 208-209) (Ill.: Silhouettes); P.E. [R. Ettinger]. [Exhibition of «Soyouz» (Union of Russian Artist), «Mir Isskousstva» (Wold of Art)] (pp. 274-280) (pp. 274275276277278279280) (Ill.: K. Yuon. A Blue Day, Winter (p.275). I. Brodsky. In the Park (p.276). K. Goldinger. Portrait of Mlle. Koreneff (p.277). A. Ryloff. Morning Dawn (p.278). N. Ulianoff. Portrait of a Boy (p.279). B. Kustodieff. A Moscow Merchant’s Wife (p.280). K. Petroff-Vodkin. Madonna (p.280)) // The Studio. Vol.67. London, MCMXVI [1916] (Ill. in the Magazine: I.L. Gloag. MingHe and She; A.Y. Jackson. Maples, Early Spring
P.E. [P. Ettinger]. [The Exhibitions of Union of Russian Artists or «Soyouz», «Mir Iskustva» (World of Art)] / Moscow. Studio-Talk (pp. 73-75) (pp.737475) (Ill.: S. Chekhonin. Enamel Miniatures (p.73). L. Pasternak. Portrait of V. Maklakoff (p.74). N. Krymoff. Summer Morning (p.75). K. Yuon. On the River Oka (p.75). N. Ulianoff. Portrait of Baroness Knop (p.76)) // The Studio. Vol.71. London, MCMXVII [1917] (Ill. in the Magazine: Maurice Greiffenhagen. The Restoration of Alsace-Lorraine to France; J. McNeill Whistler. Rose and Pink – The Mother’s Siesta; Joseph E. Southall. A Bucket of Salt WaterThe Beach
Juon. Gemälde: 76. Landschaft. 77. Alte Frau // A. Holitscher, Dr. Redslob, David Shterenberg (die vorworte). Erste Russische Kunstausstellung. Berlin 1922. Galerie Van Diemen & Co. Gemalde neuer meister. Unter den Linden 21. [Verzeichnis]. Verlag: Internationale Arbeiterhilfe. Berlin W8, Unter den Linden 11. 1922 
Juon Costantino. №56. Uomini. №57. Rivista in Piazza Rossa a Mosca. №№ 296 – 298 / Padiglione dell` U. R. S. S. Supplemento al catalogo ufficiale illustrato // XIV`a Esposizione Internazionale d`Arte Della Citta di Venezia. 1924. Catalogo. Quarta edizione. Venezia. MCMXXIV. P.10, 19 
Juon, Constantin. №249. Annunciation Day. №250. Kremlin of Rostov the Great. №251. Winter. №252. Winter Sun. №253. Winter Evening. №254. August Evening. №255. Near Moscow. №256. Trinity Cathedral in the Troitsky Monastery, near Moscow. №257. Interior of the same Cathedral. №258. Refectory in the same Monastery. №259. Square in Provincial City. №260. Provincial Woman. №261. Before the Rain Storm. №262. Volga Tramps. №263. Main Entrance, Troitsky Monastery. №264. On the Lake Shore. №265. Elk Hunting. №266. Wolves // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. Grand Central Palace, New York. 1924 
Slatozwjet. Zeitschrift fur Kunst und Literatur. Nr. 1. [Златоцвет. Журнал художественный и литературный. №1 [единственный]. Berlin, Verlag Olga Diakow & Co., 1924 (Илл.: А. Архипов, Б. Кустодиев, Н. Богданов-Бельский, К. Юон и др., Обл.: И.Я. Билибин) 
Christian Brinton (foreword),  P. Novitsky (introduction). Exhibition of contemporary art of Soviet Russia: painting, graphic, sculpture. Grand Central Palace, New York, February, 1929. [New York], Amtorg Trading Corporation, 1929 
Juon K.F. N209 // ACHR : 1929 : Ausstellung : Köln : Assoziazia Chudojnikow Revolüzii : Assoziation der Revolutions-Künstler : [Katalog : 227 NN].  [Köln, 1929], S.15.  Einband. – Abb.: Beringoff M.M. Murman-Fischer. – Juon K.F. Textil-Arbeiter von Ivanowo-Wosnesensk gehenan die rote Front. – Joganson B.W. Eisenbahnstation 1919. – Katzmann E.A. Nachdem Arbeits-Tage. – Kotoff P.I. Mit der Korn-Garbe. – Malaieff [F.P.]. Gefallener Genosse. – Modoroff F.A. Volksfest an der Petschora. – Permiakowa O.A. Schuster. – Radimoff P.A. Im Kreml. – Riaschski G.G. Herstellung einer Brücke. – Sawitzki G.K. Die eigenwillige Demobilisierung der czaristischen Armee. – [Sokolow]-Skala P.P. Rotgardisten. – Tichomiroff A.N. Moldau-Bauern. –Tschaschnikoff I.D. Sibirische Portisane.  
Nikiforova E. Art museum of the Uzbek SSR. Painting. Leningrad. Aurora. 1975 
Bown, M.C. A Dictionary of Twentieth Century Russian And Soviet Painters : 1900–1980s. – London : Izomar Limited, [1998]. – Bookjacket: Back: Ruslan A. Kobozev. Inthe Factory Canteen (detail) (1950s); Front: Georgi I. Rublev. A Factory PartyMeeting (detail) (1932); cover; frontispiece: Aleksandr M. Gerasimov. Portrait of the Artist’sWife (1929); title.  
Vern G. Swanson. Soviet Impressionist Painting. Woodbridge. Suffolk. UK. Antique collectors' club. 2008 
Burini, S. La partecipazione degli artisti russi e sovietici all’Esposizione Internazionale d’arte della città di Venezia dal 1895 al 1945. [2010]
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