Russian and Soviet Fine Art Gallery of the XX Century
Maliavine, Ph.A.
MALIAVINE (Maliavin), PHILIPP (Philip, Filip) ANDREEVICH (1869  1940)


1907–1908. Pencil on paper, 47 х 60.3 cm.

Other Sites

Museums, Libraries & Archives
Gallica: Bibliothèque numérique // Bibliothéque nationale de France (BnF, Paris) // 
The Studio: international art London [u.a.], 1.1893 – 90.1925 // 
Philip Andreevich Maliavin // Sotheby's lots archive //  
Upcoming sale at Christie's: Maliavin F.A. 
Archive of sold lots at Christie's: Maliavin F.A. 
Maliavin, Philippe. Male Nude. Charcoal on paper, 68 by 44 cm. // MacDougall Auctions (London), 30 May 2006, lot 149, estimate 2,500 – 3,000 GBP //  
Maliavin Philipp Andreevich (1869 – 1940) on Shlepyanov-Art Official Gallery Site (GB, Галлерея [si А. Шлепянова) //  
Maliavin, Philippe. Woman. Oil on canvas, 81 х 65 cm. // Bonhams (UK), May 31, 2007, lot69, sold ~$100 000 // 
Filip Maliavine. Portrait of artist friend Vasili Levi. 1939. Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cm. // Stockholms Auktionsverk (Sweden), 08 December 2010, lot 2956, estimate ~$8 600 // 
Philip Maliavin. Peasants. Pencil and chalks on paper, 47 х 61.5 cm. // Stockholms Auktionsverk (Sweden), 13 March 2008, lot 149, sold ~$3 000. Provenance: from Zoja Bunatjan – artist daughter // 
Ф.А. Малявин. Обнажённый натурщик. Бумага, карандаш, 66,7 х 41,9 см // Shapiro Auctions, October 20, 2007, lot 80, estimate: $4,000 – 6,000 // 
Filipp Malyavin // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia //  
Art Signature Dictionary of artists signatures, biographies, auction results & fakes // Holmberg & Co Marknadsplanering AB, Sweden //  
Filipp Andreevič Maljavin // Il progetto «Russi in Italia» 
Philip Maliavin //  
Filipp Maliavine (Filipp Andreevič Maljavin, Philippe Maliavine, Filipp Maliavin) //  
Philippe Maliavine // 
Volné Směry // 
Database: Filipp Andreevich Maliavin / The Athenaeum //


Произведения искусств : Группа II. Класс 7–10 / Часть 2-я : Награды // Россия на Всемирной Выставке в Париже в 1900 г. : La Russe à lExposition Universelle de Paris en 1900. – СПб. : А.С. Шустов ; Тип. Министерства Путей Сообщения (Т-ва И.Н. Кушнерев и К°. Фонтанка, 117), 1900 (ценз.), С. 82–83. – Обл. – Ссылка 
Catalogue Officiel illustré de L’Exposition Décennale des Beaux-Arts de 1889 à 1900 : Exposition Universelle de 1900 / éd.: Ludovic Baschet. – Paris ; impr. Lemercier & Cie, 1900. – Сouvert., p. de titre. – Liste des artistes RussesР. 320–325. – Illustrations d'artistes RussesР. 214–224. – Link.  
Současné Umění Ruské [Ал-др Бенуа. Современное русское искусство; А. Ростиславов. О новом в русской живописи; Ф.Т. Новые русские книги; Новости и примечания; Илл.: Е. Лансере, И. Билибин, С. Коровин, М. Нестеров, В. Серов, И. Левитан, К. Коровин, А. Головин, С. Малютин, А. Васнецов, М. Якунчикова, Ф. Малявин, К. Сомов, Ал-др Бенуа, М. Врубель, П. Трубецкой, Л. Бакст, А. Обер, Е. Поленова] // Volné Směry. [Nr.8?]. Praha, 1901 časopis 
Pascent, E.N. Von russischer Kunst : Gelegentlich der Pariser Ausstellung // Die Kunst für alle : Malerei, Plastik, Graphik, Architektur / herausg.: Friedrich Pecht. – München : Verlagsanstalt F. Bruckmann A.-G. ; Druck von A. Bruckmann (München), 1901 (15. Februar, H.10), S. 226–230. – Ill.: V. Seroff. Bildnis (S.226). Bildnis (S.243). – M. Eristoff. Bildnis der Madame Paquin (S.227). – Ph. Maliawin. Russischer Bauer (S.228). Russische Bäuerin (S.234). – C. Makowsky. Die Neuvermählten (S.229). – A. Harlamoff. Junges Mädchen (S.230). – A. Archipow. Alter Fischer (S.231). – I. Lewitan. Stille (S.232). – B. Poljenow. Christus am See (S.233). – N. Kassatkin. Im Korridor des Bezirksgerichts (S.235). – C. Kostandi. Frühling (S.236). – G. Miassojedoff. Eine Messe zur Zeit der Dürre (S.237). – V. Wasnezoff. Alenuschka (S.238). – C. Korowin. Spanierinnen (S.239). – Th. Botkine. Weiblicher Kopf (S.240). – Je. Wolkow. Trübes Wetter (S.243). – E. Repin. Bildnis (S.244). – M. Tkatschenko. Ankuft des Präsidenten Faure in Kronstadt (1897) (S.245). – M. Antokolsky. Schlafende (S.246). Kaiser Alexander III (S.247). – W. Beklemichen [sic! Beklemischew]. Die Tochter des Schnees (S.248). – Link.  
St. Petersburg. By A.R. / Studio-Talk // The Studio. Vol.23. London, 1901, pp. 138140 (Ill.: Feodorowna Ries [Die Hexe (p.138). Alexandre Benois. Au Parc de Péterhof (p.140). Ph. Maliavine. Portrait of Elie Répine (p.141). M. Néstéroff. La Mort de St. Alexandre Nevsky (p.141). Paul Troubetzkoy. Sculpture (p.142)) 
Modern Russian Art: Some Leading Painters of Moscow. By M.P. (pp. 216217218219220221) (K. Somoff. Portrait (p.222); Ill. in text: Rerich [Roerich]. Maison de Dieu; F. [sic; Igo Grabar. September Snow; S. Ivanoff. A Sixteenth-Century Muscovite Military Expedition; F. Maliavine. A Peasant Girl; A. Vasnetzoff. Place d’Ivan Veliki au Kremlin; K. Korovine. Portrait; K. Tuon [Yuo . Vers Troitzy; L. Pastemak [Pasternak]. Portrait of a Child) // The Studio. Vol.31. London, 1904 (Ill.: Fritz Thaulow. Le Dégel (p.63). Bruno Liljefors. Sea Eagles (p.103)) 
Moscow. [Text about this year’s exhibition by the artists’ society known as the «Soyouz [of Russian Painters]»] (pp. 166167168169170) / Studio-Talk // The Studio. Vol.35. London, 1905, pp. 166 – 170 (Ill. in the text: S. Ivanoff. Maslannitza – Carnival in a Russian Street; R. Youon [sic, K. Yuo . On the Bank; T. [sic, Ph.] Maliavine. Drawing. Peasant Girls; L. Pasternak. Portrait) (Ill.: V. Seroff. Drawing [Portrait of Belgian violinist Eugène Ysaye]. 1903 (p.165))  
Alexandre, Arsène. L’Exposition Russe // Le Figaro. №288. Paris, 15 Octobre 1906, p.5 
P.E. [P. Ettinger]. Moscow. Studio-Talk [Text about Russian exhibitions], pp. 81-83 (pp.818283) (Ill. in the text: Ilya Repine. Portrait Study (p.82). Igor Grabar. Chrysanthemums (p.83). E. Lanseray. The Empress Elizabeth at Tzarskoye Selo (p.83)); Henry Frantz. The Exhibition of Russian Art in Paris, pp. 319-323 (pp.319320321322323) (Ill. in the text: A. Benois. Review of Troops in the Reign of Pail I (p.319). C. Somoff. In the Park (p.319). N. Röhrich. The Old Town (p.320). [C.] Korovine. The Log Hut (p.320). Constantin Bogaievsky. The Dead City (p.321). I. Grabar. Birch Tree (p.321). Prince P. Troubetzkoy. Model (p.322). P. [sic, Ph.] Malyavine. Peasant Women (p.322)) // The Studio. Vol.39. London, 1907 
Ettinger, P. Moderne russische Malerei // Die Kunst für alle : Malerei, Plastik, Graphik, Architektur / herausg.: Fritz Schwartz. – München : Verlagsanstalt F. Bruckmann A.-G. ; Druck von A. Bruckmann (München), 1907 (15. März, H.12), S. 273–285. – Abb.: L. Bakst. [Zeichnung] (S.273). Antike Vision (S.277). Zeichnung (S.286). Bildnis der Gräfin Keller (S.291). Zeichnung (S.296). – W. Borissoff-Mussatoff. Requiem (S.273-1). – S. Iwanoff. Der Zar (S.274). – M. Wrubel. Die Schwanenprinzessin (S.275). Mikula Selianinovitsch (russische Legende) (S.281). Zwei Heilige (S.288). – I. Rjepin. Der Schriftsteller Garschin (S.276). Kleinrussische Volksszene (S.290). – K. Somoff. Zeichnung für einen Kalender (S.277). Der Spaziergang (S.285). Die Maske (S.286). – P. Troubetzkoi, Fürst. Kind mit Hund (S.278). Der Bildhauer August Rodin (S.295). – A. Benois. Das Bad der Marquise (S.279). – V. Sjeroff. Kinderbildnis (S.280–1–281). Graf Felix Sumarokoff-Elston (S.283). Bildnis (S.285). – K. Bogajewsky. Landschaft (S.280). – K. Juon. Während des Karnevals (S.281). – A. Riabuschkin. Der Tanz (S.282). In der Kirche (S.293). – F. Maljawin. Bäuerinnen (S.284). – K. Korowin. Die Wirtin (S.287). – S. Sudbinin. Kopf des Christus, der die Händler vertreibt (S.288). – M. Nesteroff. Einkleidung einer Nonne (S.289). – Appolinarius Wassnetzoff. Aus dem alten Moskau (S.290). – O. Braz. Bildnis (S.292). – S. Korowin. Wallfahrer (S.294). – L. Pasternak. Studie (S.296). – Link.  
Modern Painting in Scandinavia and Russia // Macfall, H. The Modern Genius : Illustrated with thirty plates in colour. – London : Edinburgh ; T.C. and E.C. Jack ; T. and A. Constable, [1911], P. 287–289. – A history of painting, V.8. – Covertitle Заметка о книгеАполлон, 1912 (№1), С.79.  
Russia // Catalogo della Mostra di Belle Arti : Esposizione Internazionale di Roma : [Roma ; Aprile 1911 – Gennaio 1912]. – Bergamo : Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1911, p. 277–299. – Copertina, pagina di titul. – Indice alfabetico degli artisti esponenti (p. 375–420), indice delle illustrazioni (p. 421–429), illustrazioni (p. [431]-I–CCLII). – Link.  
P.E. [P. Ettinger]. [About exhibitions «Mir Isskousstva» (The World of Art), «Soyouz», «Bubnovy Valet» (Knave of Diamonds)] (pp. 75-80) (pp.757677787980) (Ill.: V. Séroff. Portrait of the Countess Orloff (p.76). Portrait of Mons. A. Stachovitch (p.77). C. Goldinger. Self-Portrait (p.78). K. Yuon. Moscow (p.79). L. Turjansky. Autumn Sun (p.79). F. Malyavine. A Russian Peasant Woman (p.80). G. Lukomski. Types of Russian Architecture) // The Studio. Vol.56. London, MCMXII [1912] (Covertitle) (Ill. in the Magazine: Courtenay Pollock. Bust of the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain (p.133); Gerda Wegener. The Three Graces; Sebastian Lucius. Companions of Sleep (p.238); Fernand Maillaud. L’Imbécile du Village (p.274)) 
Gerald C. Siordet. Léon Bakst’s Designs for Scenery and Costume. (pp. 3-6) (pp.3456) (Ill.: Fantaisie sur le Costume Moderne, Dioné (p.1). Design for Scenery, «Daphnis and Chloe» (p.3). Fantaisie sur le Costume Moderne, Atalante (p.4). Likenion (Daphnis and Chloe) (p.4). Pencil Drawing for Scenery of «Pisanelle», Act I (p.5). Un Polonais (Boris Godounow) (p.6). Costume Designs for the Russian Ballet «Le Dieu Bleu» (p.7)); Three Russian Painters: Konstantin Somoff, Igor Grabar, and Philip Maliavine. By Vittorio Pica (pp.107108109110111112113114115116) // Charles Holme (ed.). The Studio. Vol.60. London, 1914 (On the cover – 1913) (covertitle)  
The Russian School of Painting by Alexandre Benois with introduction by Christian Brinton. With thirty two plates. New York, Alfred A. Knoff, 1916 (Translated by A. Yarmolinsky) (Avantitul: V. Syerov. Nicholas II; tit., list of illustrations; Ill.: Isaak Levitan. The BreezeThe Pond; Valentine Syerov. OctoberBoysIda RubensteinPortrait of Princess Yusupov; Mikhail Vrubel. The DaemonThe Daemon (final version, 1902); Konsantine Somov. At Evening; Philip Malyavin. A Portrait; Sergyey Malyutin. Portrait of the Artist; Ivan Bilibin. Illustration to a Fairy Tale by Pushkin; Arkady Rylov. Spring)  
P.E. [P. Ettinger]. [The Exhibitions of Union of Russian Artists or «Soyouz», «Mir Iskustva» (World of Art)] / Moscow. Studio-Talk (pp. 73-75) (pp.737475) (Ill.: S. Chekhonin. Enamel Miniatures (p.73). L. Pasternak. Portrait of V. Maklakoff (p.74). N. Krymoff. Summer Morning (p.75). K. Yuon. On the River Oka (p.75). N. Ulianoff. Portrait of Baroness Knop (p.76)) // The Studio. Vol.71. London, MCMXVII [1917] (Ill. in the Magazine: Maurice Greiffenhagen. The Restoration of Alsace-Lorraine to France; J. McNeill Whistler. Rose and Pink – The Mother’s Siesta; Joseph E. Southall. A Bucket of Salt WaterThe Beach
Petr Bezrodnyj, Boris Grigor’ev, Vsevolod Nikulin, Lilja Sluckaja, Isaak Trigher, Filipp Maljavin / Prima esposizione internazionale dell’acquerello. Milano, Associazione Acquerellisti Lombardi – Società per le belle arti, Primavera 1923 //  
Alexandre, Arsène. Philippe Maliavine // Dayot, Armand (dir.-fond.). L’Art et les Artistes. Nouvelle Série. T.XI. №55 (Mars 1925) – №59 (Juillet 1925). Paris, 1925, pp.265 – 270 [pp.265266267268269270] (Ill.: Le rire (peinture). Paysanne russe (croquis). Étude de paysanne (dessin rehaussé)||. Paysannes russes (dessin rehaussé)||. Jeune paysanne russe (dessin). Femme russe (dessin). Type de paysan russe (dessin)) 
Febbraio 1929. Galleria Bardi. Mostra personale di Filipp Maljavin / Vittorio Pica, Philippe Maliavine. Bollettino d’arte edito dalla Galleria Bardi, via Brera 16, Milano Anno II, n. 3, 1929 (C. Carrà, Mostre milanesi, «L’Ambrosiano», 14 febbraio 1929, p. 3; Mostre milanesi. Maliavine, «Le Arti Plastiche», 16 febbraio 1929) //  
Exhibitoin of Russian Painting & Sculpture: Realism to Surrealism [in the Philadelphia, USA]. Introduction & Catalogue by Christian Brinton. [Philadelphia, The Locust Press], The Wilmington Society of the Fine Arts, 1932 (Cover, back: N. Gontcharova; title; Ill.: Sergey Sudeykin. The Moscow Fiancées; Abram Arkhipov. Ivan Rodin from Ryazan; Boris Grigoriev. Madonna of the Steppe; Ekaterina Zernova. The Giant’s Swing; Nikolai Cickovsky. Yang Man from the Government of Penza; Yury Annyenkov. Still Life Composition; Marc Chagall. I and My Village; John D. Graham. Woman of the Steel Age; David Burliuk. Madonna ov the Soviet Age
La Camerata degli Artisti. Philippe Maliavine. Dal 15 febbraio a 1 marzo 1932. Catalogo della mostra. Roma, 1932 
Nicola Kozicharow. «Racy of the Soil»: Filipp Maliavin’s London Exhibition of 1935 // Anthony Cross (ed.). A People Passing Rude. British Responses to Russian Culture. Cambridge (UK), Open Book Publishers, 2012 (Covertitle; Ill.: Country Ablutions (1930). Troika (1933). Portrait of Leon Trotskii (whereabouts unknown)) p.241 – 251  
Seznam děl souborné výstavy Filipa Maljavina v Praze, Na Příkopě. Říjen – Listopad – Prosinec 1933. Pořádá Myslbek, sdružení výtvarných umělců a přátel československého umění v Praze. [Praha, 1933] (V?kohalf titul: autoportrét; název
Phillipe Maliavine [si [in the New Burlington Gallery, London] // The Observer. London, 3 November 1935 
Philip Maliavin: Masters of world painting. Leningrad, Aurora, 1988 (cover
Bown, M.C. A Dictionary of Twentieth Century Russian And Soviet Painters : 1900–1980s. – London : Izomar Limited, [1998]. – Bookjacket: Back: Ruslan A. Kobozev. Inthe Factory Canteen (detail) (1950s); Front: Georgi I. Rublev. A Factory PartyMeeting (detail) (1932); cover; frontispiece: Aleksandr M. Gerasimov. Portrait of the Artist’sWife (1929); title.  
Русский Париж [Russie à Paris]. 1910 – 1960. [Альбом выставки / Album de l'expositio . Альманах. Вып.53. СПб. [Saint-Pétersbourg], Государственный Русский музей [Le Musée d'Etat Russe], Von der Hedt-Museum (Wuppertal), Le Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux, Palace Edition, 2003 
Vern G. Swanson. Soviet Impressionist Painting. Woodbridge. Suffolk. UK. Antique collectors` club. 2008 
Burini, S. La partecipazione degli artisti russi e sovietici all’Esposizione Internazionale d’arte della città di Venezia dal 1895 al 1945. [2010] 
И.И. Ващенко, Ю.А. Солодовников (пред., поясн.), Я.С. Алалыкина, С.М. Гонтарь, О.В. Загорная, С.Н. Пыхтина, Т.А. Сальникова, Ю.В. Костюков, Е.Г. Касавченко (авт.-сост.). Краснодарский краевой художественный музей им. Ф.А. Коваленко: Русское искусство первой трети ХХ века. Каталог. Самара, СамЛюксПринт, ККХМ им. Ф.А. Коваленко, 1 000 экз., 2011 (рус., анг.) (Krasnodar Art Museum: Art of Russia 1st third XXth Centure. Catalogue. Samara, 2011) (rus., eng.) 
M. Ljunggren. Филипп Малявин в Швеции // p.265-274 
Bookjacket, cover, title)
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