Mashkov, I.I.
MASHKOV (Machkoff, Maschkow), ILYA IVANOVICH (1881 – 1944, Moscow)
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Auctions & Galleries
Машков И.И. // Архив продаж на аукционе «Кристис» //
Ilya Ivanovich Mashkov // Sotheby's lots archive //
Mashkov, Ilya (1881–1944). Seated Nude with Vase and Fruit (1909). Pencil and charcoal on paper, 64.5 by 44.5 cm. / MacDougall Auctions, 5 June 2013, lot №506, estimate 15,000–20,000 GBP. Provenance: Acquired from the artist’s widow Lidiya Ivanovna Mashkova in 1974 (inscription on the reverse). Collection of Semion Yakovlevich Feldshtein, Moscow. A gift from the above to Lyudmila Kazikova in 1999 (inscription on the reverse). Authenticity of the work has been confirmed by the expert V. Silayev. Literature: I. Bolotina, Mastera nashego veka. I.I. Mashkov, Moscow, 1977, p. 360, No. 626, listed //
Information & Information
Ilya Mashkov // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia //
Ilja Iwanowitsch Maschkow // Die freie Enzyklopädie //
Database: Ilya Mashkov / The Athenaeum //
Brief History of The Knave of Diamonds (or Jack of Diamonds) – Bubnovii valet // The International Chamber of Russian Modernism (InCoRM, Paris) //
Илья Машков / Произведения //
Machkoff (Elie), née à Stanitza Michaїlovskaїa. Russe. (Moscou (Russie)). №775. Nature morte, fruits, p[einture]. – №776. Id., p. // Catalogue des Ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture, Dessin Gravure, Architecture et Art Décoratif : Exposés au Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées : Du 1er Octobre au 8 Novembre 1910 / Société du Salon d'Automne; 8me Exposition. – Paris ; Société Anonyme de l'Imprimerie Kugelmann, 1910, p.133. – 2 Fr. – Couv., p. de tit.. – Affiche.
Machkoff. №46. Portrait (£60). – №47. Nature Morte (£60) (P.11). – №951. Nature Morte (£60) (P.59) // The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association, Ltd. ; July, 1911: Fourth year / Royal Albert Hall. – London, 1911. – Cover, title. – Index to Exhibitors, 1911 (P. 77–95). – Link.
Machkoff (Ilia). №№ 3955–3957, 3959. Nature morte (peinture). – *№3958. Nature morte (peinture), appartient à M. Samoїloff. – №3960. Portrait d’un poète. // Catalogue de la 27e Exposition, 1911 : Quai d'Orsay, Pont de l'Alma ; Du 21 Avril au 13 Juin inclus... / Société des Artistes Indépendants. – [Paris, 1911], P.271. – Couverture, titre de page.
Ilia Mackoff [sic! Machkoff]. №746. Nature-Morte de la Paque, (£20). №747. Nature-Morte, (£24). №748. Le Modele vivant, (£20) // The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association, Ltd. : Fifth year : [Catalogue : July, 1912]. – London : Royal Albert Hall ; J. Edward Francis, [1912], p.37. – Cover, title. – Index to Exhibitors, 1912 (p. 59–78).
Machkoff (Ilia), né en Russie... №№ 2086–2087. Paysage. – №2088. Nature morte // Catalogue de la 28-me Exposition 1912 : Quai d'Orsay, Pont de l'Alma : Du 20 Mars au 16 Mai inclus... // Société des Artistes Indépendants. – [Paris, 1912], p.204. – Couvert., page de garde. – Link.
Henkel, M.D. Dritte Ausstellung des «Moderne Kunstkring» in Amsterdam : [Kandinsky, Ilia Maschkoff, Peter Kontschalowski, etc.] // Kunstchronik : Wochenschrift für Kunst und Kunstgewerbe. – Leipzig ; Seemann, 1914 (16. Januar, Nr.17), Kol. 253–255. – Titel. – Link.
Maschkow. №№ 130–132. Stilleben. №133. Landschaft. №134. Blumen. №№ 413, 414. Frauen-Akt // Erste Russische Kunstausstellung : Berlin 1922 : [Katalog] / Vorworte: A. Holitscher, Dr. Redslob, D. Shterenberg. – Berlin : Galerie Van Diemen & Co. (Unter den Linden 21) ; Internationale Arbeiterhilfe, 1922, S.19, 26. – Einband: El Lissitzki; Titel. – Link. – О выставке.
Mashkov, Ilya. №495. Portrait of a Lady. №496. Russian Venus. №497. Portrait of Man. №498. Still Life. Artificial Fruit. №499. Still Life. Porcelain Figure. №500. Still Life. Melon and Grapes. №501. Still Life. Watermelon and Grapes. №502. Still Life. Fish. №503. Still Life. Mashrooms. №504. Still Life. Grapes. №505. Still Life. Quinces and Grape. №506. Still Life. Wild Flowers. №507. Coachmen with Landscape. №508. Landscape with Castle. №509. On the Neva. №510. The Park. №511. Mountain Landscape. №512. Pond. №513. Landscape with Boys. №514. Sunlight // Christian Brinton (foreword), Igor Grabar (introduction and catalogue). The Russian Art Exhibition. [Catalogue]. Grand Central Palace, New York. 1924
Masckoff Elia. №114. Ritratto del. sig. Adolfo Milmann. – №115. Modelli nello studio. – №116. Paesaggio settentrionale. – №117. Paesaggio meridionale – parco con castello. – №118. Paesaggio meridionale – giornata di sole. – №119. Paesaggio meridionale – la sera nel parco. – №120. Paesaggio meridionale – giornata grigia. – №121. Paesaggio meridionale – il sole verso sera // Padiglione dell' U.R.S.S. / XIVa Esposizione Internazionale d‘Arte della Città di Venezia – 1924 : Supplemento al Catalogo ufficiale illustrato. – Venezia, MCMXXIV [1924], p.12. – Ed.4. – Copertura. – Poster.
Maschkow J.J. N106. Das Tal und der Berg Ararat. N107. Stilleben (Früchte und Muschel). N108. Flieder. N109. Weintrauben. N110. Feldblumen // ACHR : 1929 : Ausstellung : Köln : Assoziazia Chudojnikow Revolüzii : Assoziation der Revolutions-Künstler : [Katalog : 227 NN]. – [Köln, 1929], S.11. – Einband. – Abb.: Beringoff M.M. Murman-Fischer. – Juon K.F. Textil-Arbeiter von Ivanowo-Wosnesensk gehenan die rote Front. – Joganson B.W. Eisenbahnstation 1919. – Katzmann E.A. Nachdem Arbeits-Tage. – Kotoff P.I. Mit der Korn-Garbe. – Malaieff [F.P.]. Gefallener Genosse. – Modoroff F.A. Volksfest an der Petschora. – Permiakowa O.A. Schuster. – Radimoff P.A. Im Kreml. – Riaschski G.G. Herstellung einer Brücke. – Sawitzki G.K. Die eigenwillige Demobilisierung der czaristischen Armee. – [Sokolow]-Skala P.P. Rotgardisten. – Tichomiroff A.N. Moldau-Bauern. –Tschaschnikoff I.D. Sibirische Portisane.
[About the first «Knave of Diamonds» exhibitions] // Gray, C. The Russian Experiment in Art : 1863–1922. – New York ; Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1970, P. 122–126. – Bookjacket, cover, title, contents. – Link.
Илья Машков : [Альбом] / авт.-сост.: Г.С. Арбузов, В.С. Пушкарёв (С. 38–47 (rus.), 9–17 (eng.), 18–26 (fr.), 27–37 (ger.)). – Л. : Аврора, [1973]. = Mashkov : [Album]. – [Leningrad : Aurora Art Publishers, 1973]. – Суперобл.: Натюрморт. Хлебы. 1912 (фрагмент, ГРМ); обл., контртитул-тит. (рус.), фронтиспис-тит.: Арбуз и виноград. 1923 (фрагмент, ГРМ) (eng.). – Мастера советской живописи = Masters of Soviet painting. – List of reproductions (С. 197–198 (rus.), 191–192 (eng.), 193–194 (fr.), 195–196 (ger.)).
Mashkov, Ilya Ivanovich // Bown, M.C. A Dictionary of Twentieth Century Russian And Soviet Painters : 1900–1980s. – London : Izomar Limited, [1998], p.201. – Bookjacket: Back: Ruslan A. Kobozev. In the Factory Canteen (detail) (1950s); Front: Georgi I. Rublev. A Factory Party Meeting (detail) (1932); cover; frontispiece: Aleksandr M. Gerasimov. Portrait of the Artist’s Wife (1929); title.
Masckoff Elia // Burini, S. La partecipazione degli artisti russi e sovietici all’Esposizione Internazionale d’arte della città di Venezia dal 1895 al 1945. [2010]
Машков – Загреков : учитель и ученик = Mashkov – Zagrekov : Teacher and disciple : [Exhibition to 130th I. Mashkov ; June–September 2011 ; Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts named after Ilya Mashkov : Album]. – Moscow, 2011. – 2 000 cop.; rus., eng. – Cover., title. – Content (P.8). – The main exhibitions with I.I. Mashkov (P.236, 238, 240). – I. Mashkov. Selected bibliography (P.242, 244). – Catalogue of Ilya Mashkov's Gallery in the Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts (P. 246–258). – Paintings and drawings by Ilya Mashkov from public and private collections reproduced in this book (P. 259–261). – Ilya Mashkov. The largest collections (P.290).
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Baikov, L.P.
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Bakst, L.S.
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Basmanov, P.I.
Bebutova, E.M.
Belcova, A.M.
Belitsky, I.S.
Benois, A.N.
Benois, Alb.N.
Bilibin I.Ya.
Bobyshov, M.P.
Bochkarjev, B.L.
Bogaevsky, K.F.
Bogomazov, A.K.
Bogomolets, L.K.
Borovikovsky, V.L.
Bragovsky, E.G.
Brodskaya, L.I.
Brodsky, I.I.
Brummer, L.V.
Bruni, L.A.
Bruni, T.G.
Buchkin, D.P.
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Bunin, P.L.
Bure, L.L.
Burliuk, D.D.
Burliuk, V.D.
Burmistrov, B.M.
Buzin, E.N.
Bylewski, Tadeusz
Bylyev-Protopopov, N.M.
Galba, V.A.
Gavris, I.T.
Genin, D.P.
Gerasimov, A.M.
Gerasimov, S.V.
Gildebrandt, O.N.
Ginzburg, B.N.
Gippius, N.A.
Godlevsky, I.I.
Golitsyn, I.V.
Golopolosov, B.A.
Golovin, A.Ya.
Goncharov, A.D.
Goncharova, N.S.
Gorbatov, K.I.
Gorokhova, M.A.
Grabar, I.E.
Grigoriev, B.D.
Grigoriev, N.M.
Gritsai, A.M.
Grokholskaya, M.I.
Gugel, A.S.
Gumilevsky, I.V.
Gurevich, D.E.
Gurkin, G.I.
Guro, E.G.
Kahl, K.N.
Kalinin, V.V.
Kamanin, A.M.
Kandinsky, W.
Kaplan, A.L.
Kaplan, F.M.
Kaplun, A.V.
Karazin, N.N.
Kardovsky, D.N.
Kartashev, O.N.
Kashina, N.V.
Katkov, S.P.
Katsman, Ye.A.
Khlebnikova, V.V.
Khodasevich, V.M.
Khokhryakov, N.N.
Kibrik, E.A.
Klever, J.J.
Kliun, I.V.
Kogan, N.I.
Kolesnikoff, S.F.
Kolesnikov, I.F.
Komardenkov, V.P.
Konchalovsky, P.P.
Korin, P.D.
Korolev, A.L.
Korovay, E.L.
Korovine, C.A.
Koryagin, A.V.
Kostrov, N.I.
Kostrova, A.A.
Koulakov, M.A.
Krestovsky, Ya.I.
Krshizhanovsky, Ye.I.
Kruglikova, E.S.
Krymov, N.P.
Ksidias, P.S.
Kudryashov, I.A.
Kulbin, N.I.
Kuprin, A.V.
Kurdov, V.I.
Kurzin, M.I.
Kustodiev, B.M.
Kuznetsov, P.V.
Labas, A.A.
Ladyzhensky, G.A.
Laktionov, A.I.
Lansere, Ye.Ye.
Lapshin, N.F.
Larionov, M.F.
Le-Dantu (Ledantu), M.V.
Lebedev, V.V.
Lebedeva, S.D.
Lentulov, A.V.
Leporskaya, A.A.
Levitan, I.I.
Levitin, A.A.
Levitin, A.P.
Liphart, E.K.
Lipсhitz, Jacques
Lissitzky, El
Livchack, X.V.
Lodygin, S.P.
Los, Ye.G.
Lubimov, A.M.
Luppov, S.M.
Magarill, E.M.
Malevich, K.S.
Maliavine, Ph.A.
Maltzeff, G.P.
Manevich, B.S.
Mashkov, I.I.
Matorin, M.A.
Matyushin, M.V.
Mavrina, T.A.
Mayorov, I.E.
Mechev, M.M.
Melamud, Sh.N.
Meller, V.G.
Meshcheryakov, A.V.
Mikhnov-Voitenko, E.G.
Milashevsky, V.A.
Mitrokhin, D.I.
Mochalov, S.M.
Moiseenko, Ye.Ye.
Moor, D.S.
Morgunov, A.A.
Mucha, Alphonse
Muizule, Malda
Mukhina, V.I.
Pakhomov, A.F.
Palmof, V.N.
Panteleev, S.М.
Pasternak, L.O.
Pavlov, S.A.
Pereyaslavets, V.I.
Petritsky, A.G.
Petrov-Vodkin, K.S.
Petrovichev, P.I.
Pikunov, E.S.
Pimenov, Yu.I.
Plastov, A.A.
Platunov, M.G.
Podberesky, N.L.
Polyakov, A.I.
Polyushenko, A.P.
Popkov, A.N.
Popova, L.S.
Pougny, Jean
Purvit, V.E.
Samokhvalov, A.N.
Sarian, M.S.
Savinov, A.I.
Scrodenis, V.V.
Semenov, A.N.
Semiletov, A.F.
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Serov, V.A.
Serov, Vl.A.
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Shistko, V.I.
Shterenberg, D.P.
Shukhaev, V.I.
Shuraev, A.I.
Sinezouboff, N.V.
Skalon, A.V.
Skryabin, V.T.
Smirnov, B.A.
Sobolevsky, V.I.
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Soviet Match Labels of Proletarskaja Znamja Factory
State porcelain manufacture named after Lomonosov
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Suetin, N.M.
Svarog, V.S.
Svetlakov, S.N.
Svetoslavsky, S.I.
Sychkov, F.V.
Yakerson, D.A.
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Yakovlev, V.I.
Yakunina, Ye.P.
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Yegoshin, G.P.
Yelizarov, Yu.I.
Yepifanov, G.D.
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Yermolayev, B.N.
Yermolenko, A.S.
Yershova, K.I.
Yudin, L.A.
Yudovin, S.B.
Yunosheva, R.M.
Yuon, K.F.
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Yustitsky, V.M.
Yutkevich, S.I.